16-A Thousand Years

Start from the beginning

"Oh, very funny."

"Happy birthday."


I emerge once again from my room, freshly showered. The sight before me blows my mind.

Standing in from of me, Harry holds a insanely large box with a green bow on top of it.

"What the heck, you didn't have to get me a freaking present." I say.

Harry shrugs, "It's for me too."

He smiles as I take the box from his grasp. I gasp at the surprisingly light weight.

"Is something moving in there?" I ask, the box shudders at my words and I quickly yet carefully place it on the couch. Harry sits on the armrest of the couch and folds his hands.


Kneeling in front of the couch, I begin to ease the top of the box.

"Wait!" Harry jumps off the armrest and bounds into the kitchen, nicking his hip on the kitchen counter.

"Shit! Ow, ow, ow." Harry reappears with his phone, training it on me.

After my fit of laughter, I return to the box. I gently pull the top off and peer inside. A small pair of brown eyes meet mine.

My mouth forms the perfect surprised reaction and I'm sure my eyes are the size of bowling balls.

"Oh my goodness, you're so adorable!" I reach my hands into the box and pull the German Shepard puppy out of the box. It whimpers and begins to lick my ear as I hold it against me.

"Yeah, that's going on twitter." Harry sighs.

I happily glare at him while holding the cute little puppy in my arms.

"Jenna, meet Bear." Harry says, turning off his phone, ending the video.

"Bear! You're so adorable." I say in the type of voice you talk to a baby with. Harry covers his face with one hand.

"Dear god, please don't talk like that." He says, crouching down to the floors level.

"Well why not, Harry-boo." I say in that exact same tone.

"My girlfriends an idiot." Harry mumbles while playfully hitting me on the shoulder.

I transfer Bear to my arms and cradle him like a child.

"Daddy doesn't know what he's talking about, he knows well enough not to piss off mama. Nope, nope, nope." I say in the same tone.

"You know I love you." Harry says, smirking.

"Yeah, okay, I'll stop." I return to my regular voice, earning me a gentle kiss on the cheek from Harry.

Bear squeaks and grows jumpy so I release him.

"How old is he?" I ask on a more serious note.

"Six months." Harry replies.

A unpleasant smell makes me turn my head. There on the tile floor in the kitchen, a small puddle of urine has begun to make it's way towards the carpet.

"And evidently, he isn't potty trained." Harry adds.

"Yeah, you're cleaning that up."

"Knock, knock." Harry says.

"No, Harry, please don't even try." I respond quickly.

"Please, Jenna! Knock, knock."

I sigh impatiently, "Who's there?"


"Urine who?" I ask, beginning to lose hope in the end of this joke.

"Urine-secure, don't know what for." Harry smiles widely, barely able to contain it.

I force a laugh and say, "That was just plain unneeded."

Harry stops laughing and frowns, "I know."


"So we can put his food and water dish there." I say, pointing to the space below the kitchen counter, a small opening beside the cupboards.

Harry nods.

I carefully fill a bowl with water and place it on the floor. Bear comes beside me and after licking my jeans, he nuzzles into my side.

"Mamma's boy." I sigh, glancing up at Harry's happy expression.

I stand and watch as Bear licks at his water dish. Crossing my arms against my chest, I lean back into Harry's warm embrace. He holds on tightly and I gradually turn, therefore creating a regular hug.

My chin rests on his shoulder as I whisper, "Thank you so much."

"I love you." Harry says.

He just used the L word. Even I haven't used the L word yet.

I suppose there's always a first time for everything.

After a long moment of silence, I reply, "I love you, too."

He actually seems shocked that I returned the saying and it only makes him hold me tighter.

As my twenty-third birthday drags on, I begin to accept that Harry doesn't have anymore tricks up his sleeve.

I watch from the living room window the sun slowly setting over the city. Bear is fast asleep at my side and Harry sits across from me on his phone.

"Over 1,000 people have commented on the video of you." Harry says without looking up from his phone which is surely logged onto twitter.

"What are they saying?" I ask, stroking Bear's soft puppy fur.

"They love us as a couple. Our ship name is Henna, by the way."

"Henna? Like, Harry and Jenna?" I laugh.

"Yeah, they like us."

After debating on weather or not to bring up the subject of One Direction, I decide to.

"What ever happened to the rest of the band?" I ask and watching solemnly as Harry's face falls.

"I only ever talk to Louis anymore." Harry mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What even happened, to create such a big riff in your guys' relationship?" I ask him, pushing the subject further.

"I honestly don't remember. Zayn and Liam were arguing with Louis and I while Niall was torn between sides. I think we were talking about our fans. They actually created the separation, thinking Louis and I were gay or whatever."

"But you're bi."

"And? You know that I love you more than any man." Harry says shyly, I feel bad for him talking about himself in this way.

"Nevermind, go on." I feel awkward talking about Harry this way. It makes me feel uncomfortable.

"They always fought near the end, and I admit, Louis and I were more than friends, but more brothers can a c-couple." Harry states, beginning to grow angry at the situation.

"Harry, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, I'm sorry for bringing it up. I-"

I'm stopped short of my apology when his lips crash against mine in a desperate manner. I gasp at his roughness before completely losing myself in him.

I guess you could say it was the best birthday ever.


Please, no hate on this chapter! I didn't mean to offend anyone and if I did, I'm deeply sorry.

I mean c'mon, it's FICTION.

Until next Sunday,

By the way, your welcome for the early update :D

Lots of love xx

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