バブルガム "Bubblegum"

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   PB was doing her regular routine on the pole, looking out at the crowd of people cheering and carelessly throwing their money at her, until she spotted someone who looked too familiar. Marceline... "It can't be her. Why would she be here?" She muttered under her breath, her smile to the crowd turning into a grimace.

     She quickly fixed her face, smiling as wide as she could, hoping Marcy didn't notice her (AN: Girl you is who she came for. Of course she gon notice you).

=//Time Skip\\=

     'Can't wait to get back to my apartment....my back's killing me' PB thought as she left her work. The cool night breeze blew through her thick, pink hair, pushing her bubblegum bangs out of her eyes.

     While trying to enjoy the cool of the night, gazing up at the stars as she walked to her apartment only a couple blocks away, a certain vampire started to fill her mind.

     "Marcy..." Bubblegum whispered, letting a sigh slip out with her name. "Yes?" PB jumped and turned around, her violet eyes widening as she recognized the voice. "Marceline!?" She yelled, a mix of emotions building up in her stomach on top of the ones already there.

"What's up, Princess Bubblegum?" Marcy smirked, walking closer to the woman she's shared so much with. Walking closer to her ex lover.

"Marcy, I-uh, haven't seen you in so long.." PB stuttered, trying to make everything less awkward.

Marceline leaned in, her lips brushing up against PB's ear. "I know we've had our problems, but let's forget about all of that tonight. Just you and me.."

     PB's face went from light pink to the color of Marcy's eyes in a split second. "Marceline...No, that's not right." She pushed the vampire away, quickly turning around and walking off, leaving a dazed Marcy.

     Marcy ran towards her woman, not wanting to lose her again (AN: go get yo girl, Marcy). She then grabbed PB by the wrist, her heart racing, daring to shoot out of her chest (Another AN: Marcy is part human in this, so she has a working heart like everybody else. Sorry if my logic doesn't make sense 😁) "Bonnie, wait!" PB spun around, a mix of anger and guilt on her face.

     "What Marceline? I'm not gonna spend a night with you and have you ignore me again afterwards! I thought you were gonna say that we should catch up or hangout sometime, but you say that instead?! How could you?! I can't believe you right now! Here I am thinking you changed but I was wrong. You haven't changed at all over the past three years we've been apart." PB yelled, anger and a hint of sadness in her voice.

     Marcy just stood there, letting this girl's words sink in. Finally, she spoke up. "I didn't mean it like that." She choked out, her 3 years worth of bottled up emotions slipping out in her voice.

     "Then what did you mean Marcy?! What did you mean!?" Bonnie asked, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

     "I'm not the one who ruined the relationship! You pushed me away, Bonnie. It was your fault! I was just a 19 year old who constantly wondered what I did that made you hate me and stop talking to me! My best friend, my girlfriend, who I loved with all my heart, starts treating me like a stranger..How do you think I felt? Or do you even care?!" Marcy screamed at the woman who she once called hers.

    Marcy's face softened when she saw tears rolling down PB's face, her bottom lip trembling. "Bonnie I-" Marcy started but was cut off by familiar soft, warm lips on her cold ones. The taste of bubblegum filled Marcy's senses, all of her rational thoughts disappearing as she grabbed PB's hips and pulled her closer.

"Bonnie, I missed you... I missed us. I missed this." Marcy whispered after pulling away from the kiss.

"Marcy, I'm sorry..." PB wiped the tears from her eyes, handing Marcy a piece of paper, before turning around and walking away.

"Wow.." The lovesick vampire whispered to herself, before running back to the strip club parking lot, hoping her car wasn't broken into.


Sooo idk was that good? Maybe. Anyways yea :D)) (I'm trying... bare with me 😅)
~Your Wonderful Author ^ - ^

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