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Alright peeps, you can skip this if you want, but I'm just gonna explain my story a little more in this.

     Sooo, in this story (like I said in my description) everybody is human, but they still have their "abilities" (or whatevs). For example: PB has sticky, bubblegum hair, Marcy is a vampire (but she can't change into different forms of herself and she can't fly), etc.

Oh, and LSP is a human too, but she still has that star stuck in her head (just had to clarify that). Also, if you didn't understand my description, PB is a stripper here and Marcy is her ex that finds her somehow. I don't know why, but Marcy has a drinking problem in this and she smokes a lotta weed.

Marcy is also kind of rich in this and is a part-time singer, and PB just earns a lotta money from being a stripper.

Some parts in this are gonna be in the past (I'll label those Flashback) and most of the story will be in 3rd person (I'll tell when it's not).

But yea, I guess that's all I really have to explain. Thanks for reading this if you for real are.
~Your wonderful author ^ - ^
Enjoy ( ̄▽ ̄)

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