Mark chuckles, looking over at his best friend. "How do you get all the nurses to like you?"

"It's simple, I don't sleep with them." The dark haired surgeon jokes, creating laughter to spread around him. Mark glares at Derek, rolling his eyes.

"I'm a changed man. I'm sticking to one woman, and committing myself to her." Mark turns toward a group of nurses. "Valerie, Phoebe, Tiffany, I'm sorry, but I am a taken man now."

All three women shoot daggers in his direction, while Mark simply smiles through his mask. He turns back around to Derek, who is focused back on the brain of the patient. Before Derek could ask about Mia, the nurse hangs up the phone, walking back toward the surgeons with tears streaming down her face.

Mark raises his eyebrow, "Hellen, is everything okay? Did you page Torres?"

"Dr. T-Torres isn't available, Dr. Sloan." Hellen chokes out, shaking her head at the information she just received.

Jamie Bay just told Hellen that one of her colleges, Nurse Mia Drake, was in critical condition and now she had to break the news to her boss.

More importantly, she had to break the news to Mark.

Both surgeons in the room stood unaware of why the nurse in front of them sobbed hard. Mark turn towards Derek, pointing his head and hinting to ask first.

The chief glared at his friend before looking over at Hellen. "Hellen, do you need to step out of for a minute?"

"C-chief Shepherd, the VIP patient in Trauma room is-"

Before she can tell the room why she was so upset, Callie Torres runs into the O.R. Room clearly distressed.

This raises red flags for Mark as he slowly stands up, looking nervous over at Callie. "Torres, what the hell is going on?"

"J-Jospeh is d-dead, Mark. H-he got shot and bled out in my a-apartment." Callie stumbled to say, while the whole O.R. grows into silence.

The grey haired surgeon closes his eyes, afraid to ask the first question that comes to his head. "W-what about Mia?"

Callie sobs lightly hearing her name, feeling her heart crumble into two. "She's in critical condition, Mark. I-I don't know if she'll make it."

And that's when Mark's world fell apart.


So, he ran. He ran down the hallways of the hospital hallways, leading him to the room where Mia was suppose to be.

When he ran in, he noticed all the blood flooded on the floor, making his thoughts go blank. Tears spilled down his cheeks as he cried for the girl he loves, wondering how everything escalated so quickly.

He wanted to fall to the floor and sob until he couldn't feel anything anymore. Until he couldn't feel the pain of the unknown.

Suddenly, it hit him. Mia needed him to not give up on her. She needed him to be their for her, every step of the way.

Because he was her knight in a white lab coat while she was the damsel in distress.

He picked himself back up, slowly rubbing his cheeks from the fallen tears. His legs carried him to the surgical board, glancing down to where he spots her name written out.

MIA DRAKE was written boldly across the board, enough information Mark needed to run to where she was.

His head felt as if it was underwater, trying so hard to surface and that everything would be okay again. That he could run home and Mia would be sitting on his bed with a smile on her face.

But he knew, even if she pulled through with the surgery, she wouldn't be the same.

Finally, he found himself in the gallery of her surgery, his ears hearing the sound of the heart monitor flatlining.

No, no, no...

"Charge to a hundred..." Jamie shouted, grabbing the paddles from the nurses. Mark quickly placed a hand on the glass window, observing the actions happening. "Clear!"

Mia's body raised when the shock hit her body, still flatlining in the process. "Charge to two hundred.." Jamie repeats herself, looking up at the gallery and noticing Mark watching closely. "Clear!"

Still flatlining, Jamie screamed in frustration. "I swear to God, Mia, do not let him win. Please."

"Shock her again, God damn it!" Mark finally snapped, pressing the intercom button for Jamie to listen.

Dr. Bay looked up at Mark, not knowing what to do. "I've already shocked her two times before you showed up! I don't know if her body can take anymore!"

"Jamie, I'm begging you. Shock her again." Mark begged, tears flooding back in his eyes. Jamie nodded her head quickly, grabbing the paddles and sending shocks through Mia's body.

Mark stares down at Mia, praying for a miracle to happen. It all happened so suddenly, Mark closed his eyes while falling to the floor losing hope. Callie runs into the gallery, looking down at Mark's expression.

"Oh my god." Escapes her lips when she rushes to the windows, to stare down on what as going on with her surgery.

A small, but sad laugh escapes from Callie when tears flood down her cheeks, looking down at Mark. "She has a heartbeat."

Mark jumped back up, looking down to the heart monitor. His eyes shut tightly as a sad chuckle falls out of him, while Callie hugs him tightly.

"She's alive, Mark."



only a few more chapters left... possible sequel???

love always,


comment and vote on what you think will happen next!

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