Guess the Death Eater.

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Chapter 11 :

Hermione was panting heavily. She kept running through the corridors, until she heard someone's approaching footsteps... She quickly scanned the Marauders map and saw Prof. McGonagall approaching her. With her quick reflexes, she immediately hid herself behind the pillar.

That was really close... 

But what suprised her was why Prof McGonagall heading towards Dumbledore's office? There were so many questions in her mind at present. But at the same time it was also a sign of relief that Prof Dumbledore would not be alone with him. He would be accompanied by two professors. But still she was curious as to why he would come here of all the places in the world. 

Why would the snake come in the lion's den?

And not to forget that the ministry is still looking for him & his other fellow death eaters after the last year's incident at the Department of Mysteries....

Before Prof. Snape could knock on the door, Dumbledore beat him on that and opened the door himself, "Such a delight to see you again, please come in." he gestured to all the three of them. Ofcourse, that was Dumbledore and he knew everything happening around the walls of Hogwarts, even behind the walls.

Hermione mentally thought, if Dumbledore has some copy of Maurauder's map. The man was very very intuitive for her liking. She might as well get caught under his prying eyes.

She couldn't see the man's face as his back was facing her. And within seconds, both the Professors and the man followed Dumbledore.

Damn it!! What shall she do now ?

She could have eavesdrop on their conversation, only if she would've carried the invisibility cloak with herself, but unfortunately she didn't. There was no bloody time for that!

Think Hermione, think.... !!

So finally without wasting anymore time, she tried it in the most muggle way. One that she used to do as a kid... she pressed her ears on the door and tried to eavesdrop on their conversation. She can't use magic as Dumbledore's office is charmed, they will come to know if someone uses magic to eavesdrop their conversation.

Definitely muggle way was the only viable option available!

She couldn't make out their entire conversation, but she heard Dumbledore asking him to show his memories.

Well that's weird, why will a death eater willingly show his memories?? Definitely there must be something he would want in return. But what ???

She could hear him pleading to Dumbledore. And she heard Prof. McGonagall speaking, "Muggles will be the best option."

Well, what in the world is going on inside the office? Why are Muggles dragged into this matter. Her thoughts quickly ran over to her beloved parents... 

She heard Dumbledore assuring the man and in return asking him to keep his words. No further words were said. She heard the footsteps approaching the door. Again thanks to her quick reflexes, Hermione quickly hid behind the pillar as soon as the door opened.

And then finally, she saw his face after the last year's encounter at the Ministry. He looked miserable, dark bags under his eyes, pain hidden behind those silvery orbs, he was looking so pale just like him.

Definitely there was some connection to all the happenings that  has occurred in the manor during the vacation.

All this was making Hermione Granger very anxious... 

Just as the prediction stated: She is quiet in the storm but anxious when it's quiet 

Suddenly the bell rang, she looked at her muggle watch it was time for lecture.

Oh hell, she missed the breakfast. Harry and Ron will be very worried and curious at the same time.

Oh  and wait, what about Ginny? She was nearly half and hour late and to top on that she didn't even come fo breakfast. 

Merlin, she'll have to answer all her questions now, and honestly that's a  big nightmare. She'll better have to come up with good excuses..


Readers please note:

The conversation in Dumbledore's office shall be explained in the following chapters.

There's a hint given above regarding the mysterious man, I'm sure you can solve this mystery. Will be waiting for your comments :)

Thank you readers once again for the overwhelming response.. I shall do my best to keep my story interesting and updating it on regular intervals.

[PS: I'm working hard on the background pictures, hope you all like it :) ]

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