1am space drabbles

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how do i pour my soul into stanzas?
how do i write lines of free verse and fantasy and everything i've always wanted to say aloud but i couldn't because i was too much of a coward?
i choked on my words like there was no oxygen, and then spilled them all onto a piece of paper.
how do i connect the dots in my poems to different people, like stray constellations coming together?
you can tell for yourself, i write about people, sometimes for people, sometimes to people, and sometimes just so i don't have to speak to people.
the human mind is like a galaxy. diverse interests and corridors and mysteries that we don't know if we're going to encounter at any given point in time.
sometimes parts of the mind self destruct, like in supernovas. sometimes parts of the mind destroy other parts of our mind, like pulsars and gamma rays and black holes.
sometimes parts of our mind create new parts and interests and loves, like nebulas do when they birth stars.
every star is a small but important part of you and what makes you what you are. there are several of them. they define your interests and your core traits and your actions and your words. if you put all of those starts together, you get a constellation. and constellations make up parts of galaxies.
galaxies of the human mind.

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