He rubbed his neck before looking at Jade, whose eyes were on him, anticipating an answer. "Um at the moment, no. I just need to remove the-"

"- so am I supposed to stay like this forever? Dr. Kim, you cannot do that!"

"Jade," he breathed out, "I have to remove the paramedian forehead flaps that's my biggest worry right now. We can discuss comebacks later. You-" he pointed at Dr. Edwards, "book an O.R. I need to remove these bandages from Jade's face." Without any word, she moved swiftly to book the O.R., although she wanted to address him for not calling her by her name.
"I have to do this, okay?" Instead of saying anything she just shrugged, watching him take off the bandages his face slowly started to transition into frantic.

"You can fix it, right?"


I finished the surgery to remove the paramedian flaps and now I felt like half of the hard work I put in last year was going down the drain.

"Kim!" Looking up, I saw Edwards who was grinning like a clown, spinning a rag in her hands. "Guess what?"

"Listen if-"

"- I know what went wrong with the paramedical flaps." She blurted out and sat beside him. "Whoever did the face reanimation surgery with you had done something with the flaps to cause them to thin."

"Um, how do you know this?"

Chuckling, she grabbed a water bottle from the mini-fridge. "Since I was the one in the operating room to remove the flaps I noticed it. I know a way you can get Jade's face back."

"Yeah, okay."

"Today isn't the time to be an arrogant asshole," she took a few sips from her bottle before continuing, "let's redo the two paramedian forehead flaps together and do a nasal septum reconstruction together."

I stared at her with my eyes widened, "Why the hell should we? I fucked up the first time with-"

"- I know how much it must suck for a resident to tell you how to do your job but," she imitated a mic drop, "I did and hey, tell you what, if I'm wrong you can do anything you want to me."

I tapped my chin before standing up, "How about suspension?"

"That's okay, I've been suspended a couple of times before," she nonchalantly answered, "also, if I'm right then you have to take me out to get some ice cream, 10Below Ice Cream shop."

"10Be, what?" I never heard of that place and it sounded stupid in my opinion.

She rolled her eyes before walking off, "Whatever, you'll see, cause I'm always right about these things!"

I decided to go see Jade because her and I had a lot of catching up to do. Luckily she was up, staring into space.

"Dr. Edwards and I are going to do a nasal septum reconstruction and redo the paramedian forehead flaps tomorrow but we want you to rest before."

"Thank you, Taehyung, you're always so nice to me and fight for whatever you believe is worth fighting for." She smiled wearily before looking at me. "How's the wife and the baby? Been a while since I heard from them. Remember when she used to think that we were having an affair-"

"- Graycen and I got a divorced and we lost the baby," I took a deep breath before speaking, "she's doing fine though but we're gonna start your surgery first thing in the morning, okay?"

"Oh, I am so sorry," she frowned, "if you don't mind me asking, where are the wedding pics?" Considering the fact, that I didn't even look through the wedding pictures I didn't want Jade to either.

"She has them," I lied with a fake smile, "you're still seeing that guy, right?"

"Yes, he wants to get married and when we do I want you there because you helped me through a lot." She wiped a tear that escaped from her eyes. "I really want you there, it'd be an honor."

"Well, after Edwards and I fix up your face, I'll assure you that we can talk about that." I got up from the chair before giving her shoulder a pat. "Get rested, please."

"I will."

graycen, next day

"Okay Graycen, it seems like your baby has a good heartbeat," Dr. Ribeye smiled at me, "your next appointment you should be able to find out the sex of your baby unless you don't want it revealed yet."

I always dreamed of having a sex reveal party, that would've been a dream but I didn't want it by myself.

"Tell me what you want next appointment which should be in two weeks, congratulations on four months, I am very proud of the strength you are showing."

"Thank you."

After my appointment, I got to my sister's house with her and her boyfriend, eating fried food. Which I didn't want so I was immediately disappointed because I was starving. From being at the salon, most of the time on my feet, to appointments I've been a busy body. Before I went to 10Below ice cream shop, I had ordered a pick-up delivery from my favorite food place. I needed to watch how I eat, exactly for my baby boy.

I was already guessing the baby's gender, how pathetic was that? Anyways, I made my way to the ice cream shop and stood in line which wasn't that long. When I was waiting I found myself looking around the shop because that's what I do when I'm bored, who doesn't? I swear I felt my heart drop deep into my belly when I saw Taehyung talking to another woman. She was stunning, long red hair that stopped to her shoulders, natural face with no makeup, and she was skinny but with a little backside.

Suddenly, I wasn't hungry for ice cream and I needed to leave before he found me here so I just left. I might've cried that night, might've.

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