Chapter 4: Lost in the deep sea

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My mind was paralysed. I couldnt think straight. I looked at the black dress. I grabbed it and felt the fabric.I slowly put it on and galance in the miror.I grab my brush and slowly fix my hair.I added some lip gloss and mascara.

I looked at myself in the mirror and twirl in the black dress my aunt gave me.Surprisingly I liked it. It was a simple black dress that had ruffles at the end . It a had a a thin white belt.

I twirled again and I looked at my face and saw red circles under my eyes from all the crying last night.

I got my concealer out and put some under my eyes and took and deep breath and fluffed my hair one more time before stepping out of my room and walking downstairs where Alissa, and my aunt waited for me.

"Hey" I said quietly to no one particular

We all quietly walked to my aunts car. I looked out the window as rain trickled down.Mother nature must have heard today's her funeral.

We finally got there and I took my seat in the front, I was supposes to say something about Emma . I really didn't want to not because I didn't want say anything about Emma but not in front everybody.

The ceremony was beautiful and it was time for me to get up say my part.

"Now here is Nancy to say some words about her sister" Announced the MC.

I walked to the podium and looked at everybody. I started to talk.

" I I mean" I stammered.

I looked to Alissa as she gave me a smile.I took a deep breath and started again.

"she was the sister girls wished for and a student teachers would die for" I said with a smile.

"I loved her and always will . She was always there for me and I hope I was there for there too .She gave me hope when there was none and made sure I never gave up corny I know but it s true. She gave me breakfast every day and made sure I did the best I can at all times. She was the lead cheerleader and her marks were high I knew she was going to be successful at whatever she does and that made me want excel. She will still give me hope forever no matter where she is. She will always be with me " I ended it before the tears started to roll down.

I turned around and looked at her in her casket before taking my seat. It was finally time to say our goodbyes.

I stood up and walked over to the casket and vowed to find her killer her real one.

After they closed the casket I walked over to the car and sobbed till Alissa found me and sat there with as I cried my eyes out.

And so for the rest of the day I just lazily slept in my bed till of course my aunt woke me up.

"Nancy wake up we have guest " she yelled.

See after a funeral they always have this gathering which is stupid because I just wanna sleep not go and mingle with people who act so pity even though I never met them before . And after 100 and so people say 'am sorry for your loss' you would get fed up too.

I walked around and mingled with towns people.After a while I got myself some lemonade and headed out to the patio. I took a sip and closed my eyes. After what seem like a eternity, my aunt pops out and tells me someone looking for me.

I couldn't believe someone was looking for me.I could only imagine who.I got up and walked back inside.

I went to the kitchen to only find a guy who look so familiarly.

I silently put away my cup as this guy keeps looking at me.

"You don't remember me " He says all of sudden.

I turn to him and shake my head.

He chuckles a little and speaks again.

" I am gone for 4 years and you don't even recognize me"

And then that's when I remember him.

Drake a kid whom I have been best friends with grade 3.I had cried for days when he moved away.Now before my eyes is him.He looks different.Other than being taller his hair got darker.

"No it's couldn't be .......Drake" I said as I gave him a hug.

"Hey Nancy " He said with a smile.

" You moved back here ?"

"Yeah my family decide to come back" he said with a grin.

"Nancy what happen to her" Drake asked .

"She was murdered and the police have no suspects"

"Wow I was excited to see her too" He said with a sigh.

"Yeah it was my fault if I only" I said quietly.

Drake looks at me "Nothing was your fault you can't control death"

"If I had only knew....."

" Listen, unless you had gun with you as she was about get her , you couldn't have done anything else" He stated.

 "Guess ...."

"Nancy people are awaiting you , stop hiding in the kitchen"

"I should head back and mingle, you could stay if you want?"

"I think i should head back home , its a busy time fo r you and your aunt"

"Okay" I  as I  gave him another hug.

I continued to walk and talk with others. Once everybody got tired of saying sorry , the house became quiet as people left.

I walk into the patio to see my aunt taking her time drinking her tea.I cautiously took a seat beside her. 

"Um, You must like it here, you really connect with the neighbors" I said with a polite voice.

"Yeah well not everybody greives like you nancy , you need to let Emmay go she is not coming back.All that crying you do before going to bed is only to make you age faster" She said with a sincere smile.

I sat there shock.I never been insluted like that my whole life.I stood up and ran to my room.I gently cloed the door and fell to the ground.

I just couldn't imagine life with out . I am supposed to let her go.How can you let someone you care about slip out of kind till you forget

" But I can never forget her" I said to myself as sadness started to crept through my body.

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