Chapter 3: The great aunt

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Hope you guys like the chapter muwahh!!!


I sat on my couch surrounded by pop and empty bags of chips.Not the most healthiest snacks but I couldn't care less.The funeral was happening tomorrow.I glanced at my black dress sitting on the couch.I couldn't go.I wasn't ready.I cant be composed and go in front of all those people.I wouldn't and no one could make me.

"Nancy I am going to the parlor to get my hair done I have also made a appointment for you at 2" The woman said with chestnut hair.

I wouldn't call her my aunt because I don't even know her.

"I prefer to do my own hair if I even decide to go" I muttered.

"Not going" She looked at me with a bewildered look.

"You are going that's it and I am not going to be embarrassed by another mess like you " She shouted as she slammed the door.

She was annoying and rude.That's what I think of her.She reminds me of a parasite.Unwanted insect invades you home and makes your life any worse if that's possible.

Things were not looking up at all.I went back up stair and walked past Emma's room and paused.

I looked at the door.Emma is never ever going to be there again.She not going to yell at me for blasting my music or skipping breakfast.She disappeared for ever.Just like my parents.

I slowly walked away from her door and went into my own room.To a surprise the window was open.I closed it and looked down to find a crisp envelope.

I grabbed it and look for a name or address.I found neither, but what I did find was a seal. I carefully opened it to find a letter.

I sat on my bed and read it .

Dear Nancy,

Emma was a amazing person and we are very happy to know her.But her time was done.She didn't follow the rules.As a result of that she faced what she did.You on the other hand still breathe and for that be lucky.

We know everything , and follow the game you MIGHT survive.

And that's a maybe...

Sincerely , US.

I threw the envelope in my drawer and shivered.What did it mean.US , was it a group or person.I didn't know what to think at all.Confused and battered with feelings I lay down and stared at the ceiling.

I had no clue what is happening .I had no control over anything.Could it be that Emma was part of this group and got killed for the wrong reasons.

But I couldn't think of a reason why Emma would need to.We had money and Emma never ever did drugs.So why was she part of a underground crew.I was connected now.I don't even know how.

I looked at the draw containing the envelope and quickly glanced away.I couldn't this was joke.I laughed to myself.Alissa or one the guys from school did this.I laughed some more till i couldn't stop.And when I did I got a text.

We shouldn't be taken as a joke.

Instantly the blood drained from my face.Some one was stalking me.I closed my window curtains and huddled into a corner of my closet.I was afraid now. Alone and afraid

Uncovering the hidden truthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن