Chapter 2: Too deep in

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noun \ˈgrēf\

1. deep sadness caused especially by someone's death

2. a cause of deep sadness

3. trouble or annoyance


I woke  to feeling of ck each eeriness.I never found myself feeling this way.All i wanted to do was shut was my feelings off. I was tired of crying.It's not like Emma was coming back each time I cry. I dont why I get to be left alone. Why would she leave without saying goodbye.My heart ached as I kept thinking about her.

I grabbed my blanket  and layed on the couch as anouther set of tears came crashing down.I heared the door beel ring.I quickly cleaned the tears off my cheeks and took a deep breathe.I rushed to the door to only see my friend allisa.She has no idea how happy I am to see her.

"I heard from  my parents, I am soo sorry Nancy "nAlissa said with guilt in her face.

" Hey Alissa no I am fine...... actually no who I am kidding, what am going to do I don't even know how she died its my fault we were responsible for each other now she's gone and I am stuck with nobody" I said with tears streaming down my face as I turned to the living room lay down with box of tissues.

I felt a hole in my heart.It ached, I need her back.I burst into tears again.

"Alissa what I am going to do?"I asked her with sadness.

"Nothingyou can do  Nancy"She said as she gave me a hug.

And with that people started to come.With bounties of food in their hand,  the kitchen slowly started to filled up.

"Nancy things will get better' Said Mrs.Lawer.She, of course the neighborhoods oldest resident came to vist me.

"Thank you"I said to her quietly before she left out the door.With some many people coming in and out I kinda lost count how many people actual came.

Finally by midnight , all of the guests had finally left and I had the house to my self.I lay on the couch getting cozy watching mindless television.My eyelids were about to close before the doorbell ringed.

I groaned,who can be visiting at this time?I walk to the door and open it to see a young looking woman with a suitcase in her hands.

"um,I think you got the wrong house number"I said

"No I don't think so , you are Nancy?"The lady asked as she came in the house.

"Again right name but wrong house I don't even know you" I said annoyingly.

"Nancy ,I am your aunt I know your sister has died and I decided to come and take care of you"The lady said setting down her suitcase and removing her coat.

I took a glance at the lady again.She had dark brown hair like me.She had indeed look like my mother.

I just couldn't believe.Why where was she most of my life.How could she just show up now?

"Why ... why would you cccome now"I stuttered.I looked into her eyes which were stone like.No emotions at all.

"Be gratefully"She said snobby tone and headed upstairs to the guest room.

Wait, how did she know where was the guest room?

I followed her to the room where she was started to make the room hers.

"Good night Nancy"She said as she closed the door.

I headed up to my room.I walked past Emma room and shivered.

I sat on my bed and thought how could some just be gone? She was here 2 days ago.She made the both of us breakfast.We had laughed together, watched movies , told secrets.She was everything.

I broke in to tears and couldn't stop.I hid under my blankets .I couldn't understand what Emma had done to get herself killed.Was it an accident or on purpose.

I couldn't fall asleep without thinking about her.







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