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"A murder?"

All your attention was focused on the T.V as the crime scene of the murder was exploited by reporters.

This was the first murder in years; for a small town like yours that seems like a massacre.

You already knew the town would be in a frenzy, everyone knows everything about everyone, we dont have murderers here.

"Don't watch that" dad said as he took the remote from your hand and turned off the T.V.

"Why didn't you tell me we had a murder case?" You asked as he sat next to you with a bowl of pasta.

Your dad was the chief of police, nothing ever happens but when it does your dads all over it, often letting you in on the details.

"Our case? And i didnt tell you because the plan was to keep it under wraps, but i guess the press had other ideas" he sighed before digging into his pasta.

You sat in silence for a second before realising someone in your town had been murdered.

"Who was it?"

Your dad froze for a minute before setting his dinner down on the table in front of you.

"She was a student" he said scratching the back of his head sadly as he gazed at your backpack.

Your heart sank. There were only three high schools in your town. Yours being the biggest with 800 students. Thats not many.

Chances were you probably knew them.

"She actually, went to your school.." he stated sending shivers up your spine.

"My...who was it?" You asked quietly as your brain flicked through all the people you knew.

"Daehyun? Do you know her?" He asked as your heart skipped a beat.

Hell yer you knew her. You asked her for a pencil every day without failure in chemistry.

You didnt know her like a best friend, but you knew her enough to cry about her death.

You dad patted your back apologetically as he turned on the T.v so you could hear the details as he knew you would ask.

Daehyuns body had been hung above her house, her arms stretched out and tied like Jesus.

Your body shuddered at the thought of coming home to find your child hung above your home.

Currently, there was no motive to her killing. No will there be one. You already knew the questions your dad was going to ask.

But no, daehyun didnt have any enemies, no, daehyun wouldn't of had anyone who would want to hurt her.

You would have said this was a random killing...but this was way too precise. they knew where she lived, they took the time to hang her by her arms...

"Stop thinking about it and go to bed, you have school tomorrow" your dad said as he pushed you lightly towards the staircase.

You sighed before running upstairs towards your bedroom.

Who the hell would want to kill daehyun, why would anymore have any reason to kill daehyun.

the next morning everyone in school was talking about it, which was expected.

as you closed your locker you sighed deeply knowing everyone would ask you if your dad had figured it out yet, which obviously he hadn't.

"Hey Y/N"

as you turned around your best friend Hana, she stood there with dark circles surrounding her eyes. Fuck, you forgot. Hana and daehyun had 4 classes together and have known each other since 5th grade.

Murderous; k.thWhere stories live. Discover now