Chapter 8: You'll be Happier There

Start from the beginning

"Seriously, we can like form a perimeter around you like the secret service," Puck said

"Yeah!" Finn said

"The only thing that can really protect me is what they have at Dalton, zero tolerance no bullying policy, its enforced," Kurt said.

"Wait does this mean your gonna be competing against us at sectionals?" Rachel asked, concerned. I rolled my eyes.

"Kurt...." Mercedes got up and walked towards Kurt

He shook his head, his eyes filled with tears, "I'm sorry, I have to go..." he took a few steps backward then stopped. "Sam.... take good care of her."

He nodded, "Of course, man."

Kurt nodded back, a tear fell just as he turned around to walk away.

"Kurt, wait!" I stood up as I watched him walk away.

Tears flooded my eyes, "I can't do this right now!" I said running out of the room, I could hear Sam yelling after me, I didn't really care. I just wanted to get out of there, I didn't know where I was going, but I couldn't be there, not now. Not after I just watched my best friend walk away. I knew in my heart he needed this, but I need him. I ran until I got to the closest bathroom, and I went in. By now I was bawling, I didn't want to be crying but I was, honestly, I didn't even know why. I walked into the farthest stall, shutting and locking the door. I leaned my head against the door and took a breath hoping I could calm myself down, it didn't work. I just started crying harder, I walked over to the white tile wall, leaning against it. Wrapping my arms around myself and sliding down the wall on to the dirty bathroom floor. I didn't know how to feel, my boyfriend just promise proposed, and I confessed my love to him, and then I get kicked out of my classroom and told that my best friend is transferring, immediately. I had no time to prepare, this day was full of surprises and I hate surprises, especially when they are completely different. I put my head on my knees and cried out all my emotions, so hard that I felt like I couldn't breath.

I heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom and then the door squeak open. "Hailey?" I heard foot steps coming closer, the door rattled when they tried to open the door. I knew it was Sam, he was the only one besides Kurt that would come in the girls bathroom to comfort me.

"Hailey, I know your in there, just open up please. I can hear your sniffling."

I didn't reply or open the door, I just sat there.

"Hailey.... I will crawl under the door if you don't let me in"


"Okay here I come," I watched as he got down on the ground and army crawled under the gap of the bathroom stall. "I told you," he said smiling, until he saw me and realized how upset I was. The expression on his face immediately changed to sad puppy and he quickly butt scooted over to me. I turned toward him and threw my arms around him, he wrapped his muscular arms around me, making me feel safe and secure. I cried into his chest, leaving a big wet spot on his shirt.

"Do you want me to take you home?" He asked in a comforting whisper.

"Please," I said looking up at him.

He stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me up, "Let's go then"

(Time skip to my house)

"Do you want to come in?" I asked

"Yeah, totally," He jumped out of the car and ran around to the other side to open my door.

We got to my door and I opened it, "Mom, Sam is here! We're going upstairs!"

"Well hello to you too," She  said, sarcastically.

I ran up the stairs, to my room and flopped onto my bed, Sam walked in the room and flopped on the bed with me. He was laying on his back, so I rolled over resting my head on his chest and wrapping my arm around him.

"Do you want to talk about...everything?" He asked.

"Not really... Not now anyways,"

"Okay," he leaned down kissing me on the forehead.

"Will you stay with me tonight? I don't want to be alone."

"Of course I will."

I got up, shut the door and turned off the lights, turning on my small table lamp instead. I slid off my ring and set it on my night stand, then pulled off my skinny jeans and threw them into the closet. My shirt was long and comfortable, so I just left it on.

"Do you want" I turned around to see Sam shirtless, which I wasn't complaining about because he was gorgeous, "Um never mind?"

He laughed, "Nah, I'm okay"

I crawled back into bed and cuddled up against Sam, then realized that I forgot to turn on music. I rolled away grabbing my phone off the nightstand, pressing play on the music.

"You should roll over this way, so I don't have to roll back, because I'm lazy."

Laughing, he rolled over wrapping his arms around me from the back.

"Love you," he whispered.

I rolled onto my other side, so that we were inches away from each other. I glanced down noticing how muscular and toned he really was, but then looked back up, making eye contact that filled the room with tension.

"I love you too," I leaned forward to kiss him and ran my hand through his fluffy blonde hair, while he held me close, I pulled away. "I'm really tired, can I go to sleep?"

"Yeah, goodnight"

"Night," I said cuddling closer, already falling asleep in his arms.

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