8-Am I Not The King?

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The search for the Arkenstone continues as days went on. Thorin's behavior was getting more grim as his patience seems to be slipping. We were standing in the throne room with Thorin, me, Bilbo & the Fundin brothers were present as well. Thorin was staring at the mark left by Smaug, which had once held the Arkenstone. His back was towards us, even though I could not see his face but I could tell he was really strung up. 'His shoulders look really tensed, needs a massage, y'know!,' my inner voice teasing me yet I clamped it shut. Honestly, if it were a person I'd swear it would look at me with a sly smirk on it's face with the eyebrows wiggling up & down. Seriously, I would love to give it a sucker punch. I could feel the tension & stress in the air.
Thorin:(Grumbling)"It is here in these halls, I just know it"
Dwalin: "We have searched & searched."
Thorin: "But not well enough!"
Balin: "Thorin, we all want to see the stone returned."
Thorin: "And yet it has not been FOUND!"
That last word echoed throughout the room. I frowned at the tone of his voice. This simply wasn't him. I know what it really means to him but the way he is going on, its just...unfair!
Balin: "Do you doubt the loyalty of anyone here?"
Balin's words truly shocked me, sending chills down my spine. Thorin whipped around as the older dwarf spoke. He stepped down the throne's steps, I noticed that Bilbo wasn't looking at Thorin, averting his gaze, seriously?
Balin: "The Arkenstone is the birthright of our people."
Thorin: "It is the King's Jewel. AM I NOT THE KING?"
I winced at that, not liking this one bit. I glanced at Fundin brothers, both of them had stuck to Thorin for a long time. How could he change his attitude towards them. Balin looked dejected as for Dwalin, well. Thorin turned to look back at the throne without looking at me or Bilbo.
Thorin: "Know this, if anyone should find it & withhold it from me...I will be avenged."
With he walked past us, brushing lightly against my shoulder. Pressing my lips tightly, I watched Dwalin storm off while Balin shook his head sadly & walked away. Bilbo looked at me as if to say, now what? Sighing heavily, I know by now that by trying to reason with Thorin is like banging your head against the brick wall. I placed my hand on his shoulder.
Anya: "I'm going to Dwalin for a chat & I think you should go to Balin, he really looked upset."
Bilbo nodded his head went in the same direction as to where Balin went. As for Dwalin, I could pretty much guess where might be. Taking a deep breath, I left the throne room. Surely enough, Dwalin was in the treasure room, ordering the others to search for the stone. Boy, if only they knew how Bilbo Baggins was able to fulfill his part of the contract by finding the Arkenstone. Ugh! I leaned over the balcony looking at the exhausted figures of the dwarfs.
Anya: "Excuse me, Dwalin."(The burly dwarf flinched a little as he turned his head)"I want to have a word with you, I'm coming down there!"
But Dwalin waved his hand to me but gestured to meet at the rampart. I nodded my head at that, smiling slightly. Behind me, I heard Dwalin's gruff voice ordering the others to keep searching. Seriously!? I rolled my eyes, turning back.
Anya: "Really, Dwalin? Give them a break, they have been at this all morning. Just let them be."
I could feel the eyes of the dwarfs on me, smiling at me gratefully.
Dwalin:(Huffing)"Alright, you lot, catch your breath, we shall continue this later."
Feeling satisfied, I turned heading towards the rampart. It was facing the ruins of the former city of Dale. Sometimes at night, I swear I could see the ghosts of the former residents of Dale. A gentle cold wind was blowing, I heard heavy footsteps coming closer, it was Dwalin.
Dwalin: "Now then, my Lady, how can I be of a service to you?"
Anya:(Glaring at him)"Seriously, Dwalin? I have already told you not to address me so formally. Even if I am a Queen, I am still that annoying little brat who had randomly tagged along on this quest."
I giggled softly as I saw Dwalin's eyes going wide.
Dwalin: "You mean to say that you overheard me, in between our journey?"(Flushing, rubbing at the back of his neck)"Guess I owe you an apology, lass. At that time I did not know you then nor about the fact that you were related to Andon Hadin."
Anya:(Sighing)"Yeah, about that, well, I wanted to tell you all everything at Bilbo's place. But Gandalf had strictly forbidden me to, he says it might complicate things."
Dwalin:(Frowning)"Complicate things? As in how & why?"
Anya:(Shrugging)"No idea, he keeps talking in riddles & odd words. Which literally goes over my head, too."
Dwalin:(Scoffing)"Typical, at times it seems as if the old man acts odd at times. Whether we ought to trust him or not."
Anya: "Yeah, well, that was that. Um, listen, Dwalin, I know that both you & Balin are concerned about Thorin's behavior. He shouldn't have spoken to you like that. It was unfair."
Dwalin: "Ah, not to worry, lass, he has a lot on his mind. Being the King & all, trying to find the Arkenstone."
Anya: "That is not it, Dwalin & you know it. I've been noticing the change in him as well. His erratic behavior, lack of sleep & appetite. Driving everyone in search for the stone, at what price? Practically living in that treasure room."
At that Dwalin began to scowl, staring at his clenched hands.
Dwalin: "This cannot be, Anya, it is not true. He is not like him, his grandfather. I refuse to believe it."
I looked at him sadly, he really is a good friend & would stick with Thorin till the end. I placed my hand on his fists, he frowned at first then began to relax.
Anya: "You are a good friend, Dwalin. I know Thorin realized that a long time ago. But what he is going through nowadays."
Dwalin: "I thought that you being his One ought know him much better."
Anya:(Blushing)"Not that much. But both you & Balin knew him much longer than I did. You know that & I wish that it remains that way."
Dwalin:(Chuckling, his blue-grey eyes gleaming)"Truly, in many ways you remind me of that boy, Anya Hadin. I really missed the boy as did Thorin. And to think that his One would turn out to be his descendant, a bright young girl. Y'know I've seen how he behaves around you, always smiling, laughing & in love. Reminds me of Thorin of the younger days. At times we both wished that if either of us had a son, he would be like Andon. You are special to us, lass."
He flicked my nose gently with his finger, while holding my hand. We both laughed lightly just to ease away the stress. In the corner of my I caught a movement. Peering closer I saw some figures coming into the city of Dale. Could it be? The survivors of Lake-Town, I felt my heart burst with joy as they kept coming in.
Anya:(Clutching Dwalin's hands)"Are you seeing this, Dwalin? They've made it, they are alive. Thank God! Bard must be with them."
Dwalin stared at them grimly, removing his hand from mine he walked inside. Feeling a little flustered, I followed him inside as well. Probably to tell Thorin about this. Once inside we found him & Bilbo there, it seems that we had interrupted them.
Dwalin: "Thorin, survivors from Lake-Town, there are hundreds of them. All heading into the city of Dale."
Thorin: "Tell everyone to meet me at the gate. To the gate, NOW!"
Wow, seriously!?! I glanced at Bilbo with the question in my eyes but he simply shook his head. I huffed lightly as we trailed behind Dwalin & Thorin. By then the dwarfs had gathered at the fallen gate. Surely though I could see them, the people of Lake-Town, swarming into the city. I'm pretty that there might those who are injured or possibly wounded. I also hope that my cousin, Trixie, was among the survivors. They could use our help, I wonder whether Thorin remembered his promise. But what he said next clearly boggled my mind.
Thorin: "We have work to do, NOW! Pick up these stones & rebuild the gate, quickly."
Bilbo & I exchanged bewildered looks, the dwarfs obeyed their King, they set off to do it. Decided to help instead of standing here idle, I took off my jacket. I watched as the dwarfs effortlessly carry these huge rocks. They were strong that much I knew. I found a wheelbarrow in a corner, I bent down & began to pick up a fair sized stones which I could easily carry. I carried them towards the cart, I had hardly carried a few of them when suddenly I gasped in shock. A pair of strong arms were wrapped around my waist, I was effortlessly being pulled aside, out of of the company's earshot. I was then swiftly spun around to face him, I held my breath as he glared at me with his hard, blue eyes. His hands gripping my waist firmly pushing me back to the wall.
Thorin:(Growling low, our faces just inches apart)"Just what exactly do you think you are doing, love? A lady such as yourself are not likely to do these mediocre tasks. I will not have my Queen sully her hands like this, do you hear me! Now, I want you to head back to the room this instant."
I rolled my eyes at the tone of his voice, seriously? I stared in his eyes defiantly, I will NOT be intimidated by him.
Anya: "For God's sake, Thorin, stop treating me as if I will break down or something. I can take care of myself & I really want to help."
Thorin:(Moving closer)"Absolutely not, I cannot allow this, Anya. To me you are fragile & precious, this is not your decision to make I...!"
Anya: "Seriously, Thorin, I can do this, I will go simply insane just staying in the room. I want to do something useful around here. And that is final, I'm staying here."
Although I was acting brave & all as we kept staring at each other. Inside I was trembling a little as he kept glaring at me with that intense look. Raising his hand, gripping at the back of neck, he pulled my mouth to his in a rough kiss. Lifting my hands to cup his face as he deepened the kiss. His thick fingers tangled themselves through my hair as he slipped his other hand up my back to press me even tightly against him. Pulling apart to catch our breaths, touching our foreheads. His other hand wound themselves into my hair as he gazed deeply in my eyes. My hands slid up to grip his wrists, trying to compose myself.
Thorin: "Alright, you stubborn little minx, seems that I cannot dissuade you. But promise me to be careful, Azyûngal, I cannot bear to see you get hurt. Promise me, love"
Lowering my eyes, I slowly nodded my head, as if satisfied with my answer he softly pecked my lips then. He slowly stepped back & started to walk in another direction. Confused, I quickly caught up to him grasping his arm.
Anya: "Thorin, wait, where are you going?"
Thorin:(Caressing my cheek with his fingers)"Trust me, my Armâlimê, I will be right back."
Flushing, as he kissed my cheek then he walked off. Sighing, I turned back, by then I noticed that the work was really progressing. Kili saw me, raising his eyebrows in question as glanced behind me. I simply shrugged my shoulders & set to work. While working, Kili told me that he probably has found his One, confessing that it was Tauriel. I was surprised at first, wondering whether Fili knew about this. Not so sure how Thorin might react about this but after all she did save Kili twice. He blushed when he also told that he had given her the token which his mother gave him, awww, so cute. I was happy for him, truly. It was almost dark outside & the gate was barely halfway built. Thorin had disappeared for hours & did not show up. Bilbo & I were with Kili, pushing the wheelbarrow filled with more stones. Then Thorin briskly walked in, heading towards the wall.
Thorin: "I want this fortress built before sunup. To make it safe. This mountain has been hard won. I will not let it be taken again."
Hearing that Kili let go of the cart, Bilbo & I stepped back before it could roll upon our toes. I stared at Thorin, wondering what he is thinking.
Kili: "The people of Lake-Town have nothing left. They come to us in need. They have lost everything."
I hated to disagree with him, we were pretty much responsible for their present situation though.
Thorin: "Do not tell me what they have lost. I know about their hardships."(Turning to gaze at scattered fire camps)"Those who have escaped the dragonfire should rejoice. They have much to be grateful for."
I just stood there gaping at him, stunned at his words, I could feel Bilbo's eyes on me. Kili, I noticed slumped his shoulders.
Thorin:(Picking up a stone, tossing it to Nori)"More stones, bring more stones to the gate."
After that he stepped down & walked away, I turned to stare at retreating figure, my mind was going numb. After few hours later the gate was finished, exhausted though. The company decided to have an early breakfast. I was sitting near the fireplace, feeling low for some odd reason. I could feel someone hovering near me, turning I found Fili smiling softly at me. He was holding two bowls of steaming brew in his hands. The smell was tempting but I didn't move to take it.
Fili:(Sighing)"Anya, you must eat something, it has been a few days since you've had any decent meal."
Anya:(Pulling my legs to my chest)"Fili, please, I'm not hungry right now. Besides my stomach has been feeling funny for the past month now. And I have no idea why!"
Placing the bowls at my feet, Fili cupped my chin with his hand. Sitting close to me. He turned my face to look at him, his blue-green eyes gleaming softly.
Fili: "You cannot fool me, love. I know that you are worried about Thorin. But you must eat to keep up your strength. We need you right now, especially Thorin, Kili & me. We really care about you."
I too weary to argue with him any further as I slumped my shoulder. Handing me a bowl I started to eat, Fili stayed with me. We talked about trivial things & such, finishing our meal. At the back of my mind, I wondered if Thorin ate something or not. With my stomach full, sleep caught on to me, how long I had slept? No idea. I felt fingers lightly stroking my cheek, then brushing my hair back. Slowly fluttering my eyes open, the fire in the hearth was almost out. Covering my mouth while yawning, I looked up & found Thorin leaning over me. He had a soft expression on his face, his eyes gazing into mine adoringly. My love. With a small cry I reached up to wrap my arms around his neck, holding him close. I felt him stiffening at first then he relaxed & hugged me back for a moment. He removed the blanket off me then he carried me in his arms. I closed my eyes blissfully as he nuzzled his face in my hair, whispering my name, softly.

2691 words!

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