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Bilbo Baggins along with the dwarfs were cheering & clapping in jubilation. I blushed furiously as Thorin touched our foreheads, smiling. Then Bilbo ran up towards us & he hugged us both. He gently squeezed Thorin as he kissed my cheek. Stepping back he was smiling from ear to ear.
Bilbo: "You have no idea how happy I am for both of you. Finally you proposed her, Thorin. I know you shall make a wonderful Queen, Anya. If only Gandalf was here right now, he'd be so proud of you."
Thorin: "I wish to thank you, Bilbo Baggins, for not only in helping us in finding the hidden door to Erebor but also for helping me meet my One."
Bilbo:(Waving his hand)"Ah, well, we are all so happy for you, aren't we?"
The others gathered around us all of them congratulating us.
Bifur, held my ringed hand, kissing it & spoke something in khuzdul.
Gloin, pledged his axe to serve & protect me as his Queen. I was touched.
Dori, insisted on being my wedding planner & such.
Ori, wishes to be my royal Esquire.
Bombur, merely bowed shyly at me & said that he shall be the wedding caterer.
Nori, I pulled his ear & told him to change his ways, for his brothers.
Balin, the older dwarf came to me smiling as he took both my hands & kissed them. Then I noticed his eyes were glittering with tears, what the?!!
Anya: "What is the matter, Balin? Tears in your eyes?"
Balin: "Oh, dear child, how I wish that circumstances were different. If your family were alive to see this & your...!"
I could understand his meaning, I also wished that they would be here as well as Thorin's family. I hugged the older dwarf, he patted my shoulders gently.
Balin: "Bless you, lassie, welcome to our family. Many happiness be yours."
Dwalin:(Chuckling)"You got that right, brother, tis a joyful day indeed. Many congratulations, lass."
He surprised me the most as the burly dwarf gave me a bear hug, practically lifted me off my feet. I awkwardly patted his shoulder, even Thorin was also surprised yet he smiled fondly at us. Releasing me, he headed to hug Thorin, they gently bumped their foreheads.
Balin:(Laughing lightly)"Well, brother, I haven't seen you this way in a long time."
Dwalin:(Shrugging his shoulders)"What can I say, brother, I like the girl & she is here to stay."
Everyone laughed at this, I smiled shyly at what he said. Thorin punched Dwalin's shoulder, glaring at him as he slipped his arm around my waist pulling me to his side.
Thorin: "Careful, old friend, she is mine now."
The hall echoed with laughter, everything was going quite well despite the absence of four dwarfs though. A small feast was being held, what with Bombur & Bilbo cooking food. They made enough to last the night along with some ale to drink. I wanted to help but Thorin refuses to let me leave his side. He would gaze at me with such longing & possessive way which keeps making me blush. I do miss them, not only Gandalf but Fili, Kili, Bofur & Oin. I do hope with all my heart that they are safe & alive. It has been days since there has been no news of Gandalf since we separated from Mirkwood forest. Sighing softly, I shifted my attention back. The discussion of our wedding came up. Thorin gazed at me adoringly, I hid my smile while slowly sipping my ale. He gently squeezed my thigh, I tried to glare at him in a disapproving way but failed. Seriously!
Dwalin: "So, let settle it then, it shall be a spring wedding. This wedding shall go down in Durin's history. By then our people from the Blue Mountains shall be here as well as most of our kin, right?"
Dori: "Correct, so Ori & I  shall take care of the flowers & wedding decorations. Bombur the catering & Bofur the drinks."
Balin: "That is all well & said, lads. But the repairs in Erebor shall take time."(Sighing)"I'm sorry, Thorin, but this wedding shall be put on a hold I'm afraid."
Thorin smiled gently squeezing my hand, glancing at Balin.
Thorin: "No apologies necessary, my friend, we can wait, there is no hurry."
He leaned towards me to kiss my cheek. Everyone chuckled approvingly.
Bilbo: "I'm so looking forward for that blessed day. But shouldn't we ask the bride-to-be here what she wants for her wedding?"
I bit my lip as the dwarfs looked at Bilbo in question.
Bilbo: "As you may know that human weddings are much different than the dwarfs, right?"
They all mumbled in agreement, then all eyes were on me, awkward much?!
Anya: "I for one would like a simple wedding with my loved ones & my friends around me. Of course, with a couple of bridesmaid & flowers. But, Thorin, if you don't mind I'd like my friend, Lord Elrond, to marry us. He did the same for my parents."
I held his hand in both of mine as everyone held their breath. Thorin looked at me for a moment, then he began to smile softly, he kissed my hands.
Thorin: "As you wish, my love, he is your friend & mentor. In fact you can invite the Elves from Rivendell at our wedding. They are your family."
Everyone breathed in relief, I was so elated that I hugged him warmly. Kissing his cheek, pulling him closer as he squeezed me.
Anya: "Oh, thank you so much, Thorin, thank you. I love you for this."(Releasing him, beaming)"And I want both Gandalf & Bilbo Baggins here to give me away."
Bilbo nearly choked on his drink as he stared at me, flushing. He looked at Thorin, flustered, then he chuckled lightly.
Bilbo: "Wow, I'm honoured, Anya, but I thought your brother, Andrein, would be doing that."
Anya:(Holding his hand)"No need to worry about him, my friend. I can deal with him. But I really want you to be a part of this."
Bilbo blushed slightly at this, the dwarfs looked at him, waiting. He gave my hand a squeeze & nodded his head in approval. The dwarfs clapped in jubilation & Thorin kissed my cheek. Even he approved of my decision. The celebration went on for awhile through the night. Pretty soon I excused myself, for the dwarfs began their hand-wrestling but my heart wasn't in it. I had a good memory as I made my way back to the room. Thank goodness the fire was lit in the hearth. The windows to the balcony was shut close but the curtains weren't. Giving me the clear view of the moon. I surveyed the room properly, it does need a woman's touch but not too much. Removing my jacket I stood by the window, there were a few clouds though. I looked towards the former city of Dale. Sighing, rubbing my arms, I also thought about the people of Lake-Town, wondering how many could've survived. Are Bard & his children are among them as well as my cousin, Trixie? Before I could ponder any further, I heard the door behind me open, I smiled as Thorin entered the room. He really looks handsome in his new clothes. He came behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist & pulled my back to his chest. I leaned against him as he kissed my neck softly, making me smile. Placing his chin on my shoulder, his hand caressing my arm.
Thorin: "Are you happy, my Azyûngal, we are about begin a new life together?"
Anya:(Sighing softly)"The happiest, my love. I'm so glad to be here with you & I'm sure that you shall make a great King."
Thorin: "As soon as the King's Jewel is found & put in it's rightful place. Then I shall have the right to rule with you by my side, love."
Anya: "I'm sure the Arkenstone shall be found, Thorin, but if only they were here with us!"
Thorin turned me around to face him, cupping my cheeks.
Thorin: "Are you referring about my nephews, Bofur & Oin?"(I slowly nodded,he sighed lightly)"Anya, you have nothing to worry about. I know my boys, they shall survive & I'm sure both Bofur & Oin are with them. We shall see them soon. Trust me, my love."
I nodded my head, I do trust him & I'm sure he is right. Thorin caressed my cheeks with his thumbs, he brought me closer & kissed me warmly. I kissed him back, his chest rumbling softly as he pulled me in arms, deepening the kiss. My squeak was muffled by the kiss as Thorin carried me in his arms. Still kissing me, he walked towards the bed. Gently laying me on the bed he was on top of me. Pulling apart to breath, we gazed into each other's eyes. Thorin's eyes were filled with love & longing, I held my breath. I let my hands tangle in his dark hair, pulling his face closer. I softly pecked his face all over. Growling low, muttering in khuzdul, he clasped his lips against my neck giving me fierce kisses. I was in a blissful cloud of heaven in his arms. Pretty soon a month had passed, by then the heating system in Erebor was functioning again. Thorin, during that time started his search for the stone, he would spend hours in the treasure room. Sometimes he would get Bilbo & the dwarfs into the task or he would be on his own. He would neither eat properly nor sleep. I was getting worried about him. Its not that he had forgotten about me, at times he would bring me small gifts, mostly jewels. I would blush for he had said that he would cover & pamper me from head to toe, he wasn't joking. At times he would hold me in his arms, sing the songs of old. He has a lovely deep voice which I had admired since the first time I heard him at Bilbo's house. At nights I wasn't sure at what time he would wake up & leave the room. Even Bilbo was concerned about him. He often tells me that Thorin's obsession in the search for the Arkenstone could be a sign of this dragon sickness. But I would try to convince him otherwise, but that certainly didn't douse the same nagging feelings I was having. Yet I still refuse to believe it. One day I was in the kitchen with Ori, ready with some snacks & hot chocolate to drink. Once again I shall have to drag Thorin in to at least get some morsel of food inside him. But that stubborn dwarf either refuses or just takes a couple of bites & leaves abruptly. Really infuriating, seriously! I was pouring the hot chocolate when I heard a familiar voice, Ori heard it too. Was it Bofur? I shook my head probably the wind or the sound of echo through the walls. It often happens these days in windy days. We heard it again this time louder, Ori looked at me smiling.
Ori: "Anya, it really is Bofur, he is alive the others must be here also."
At that he ran out of the kitchen, I simply stood there gaping. Placing the pot back I wiped my hands with a cloth. I walked out of the kitchen, following the voices. I pulled my jacket closer to my body, it was a bit more nippy today. This time I was wearing a sky-blue silk dress with blue sandals, Thorin's choice of course. As I walked in the room I saw them, all four of them, they're ok. Thank goodness. Kili saw me first as turned his head giving me his familiar smile, which I had missed so much. Fili turned as well & his blue-green eyes gleaming. He ran up to me, wrapping his arms around me in a hug & he began to twirl me around.
Anya:(Gasped, then laughing)"Whoa, Fili, I'm glad to see you too. Now put me down."
He put me down on my feet gently, his arms still around me. Then Kili ran up to us, I hugged both of them at once.
Anya: "Oh, Fili, Kili, you have no idea how happy I am to see you. Alive & well, I missed you."
Kili:(Stepping back, his brown eyes glowing)"Not as much as we missed you, love."
Fili: "My brother is right, Anya. We are so glad you came back to us. I always knew you would."
Smiling, I looked at Oin, I went to the medic & shook his hand.
Anya: "It is good to have you back safely, Master Oin."
Oin:(Chuckling)"It feels good to be back, my dear. And I'm also pleased to see you here."
I bowed slightly then called Bofur's name. He turned his head & smiled widely, his eyes twinkling.
Bofur: "Ah, lassie, you are simply look glowing in that lovely dress. Doesn't she, lads?"
I rolled my eyes while the others chuckled at his comment. I walked towards the cheeky dwarf, cupped his cheeks. Then pecked his lips lightly, he pretended to swoon as others whooped & whistled with glee.
Bofur: "Wow, what was that for, lassie?"
Anya: "For being such a good friend, Master Bofur. You stayed behind with Oin to look after Kili. I know Fili would never leave his brother in any situation. So, thank you."
At that he blushed furiously, we all laughed at the look on his face. In a few minutes later we all sat down to eat the snacks with hot chocolate. To catch up lost time with each other in this comfortable atmosphere.

2276 words!

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