Chapter Four: Entrancement

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Sombra and Chrys couldn't stop walking. Rover, Fido and Spot wouldn't stop asking questions. Sombra was about to blow a fuse when Chrys said, "Do you think we should rest here? To be honest, it is getting pretty late.". Feeling complete relief from her, he was about to ask the mutts if they knew how to hunt. Surprisingly, they weren't even listening! Fido and Spot were too busy trying to see if they could crack and break open a turtle's shell, but Spot got bit on the tail trying. While Fido was trying to pull the turtle off of Spot's tail, Rover was trying to scratch his ear like a regular dog. Though he couldn't reach since his back legs were not long enough. "Well, i'm surrounded by idiots.....". Sombra thought to himself while sighing, though he only meant those stupid mutts. Later as night fell both Sombra and Chrys told stories about how themselves and many other "villains" were often teased while they were young. They told how they suffered and felt they needed revenge from the ones who hurt them. The final thing Sombra and Chrys told Rover, Fido and Spot...... is where they were banished. Sombra said he was banished into an ice cave, though he didn't realize it since he was in an EIGHT HUNDRED YEAR LONG coma due to major injuries! Then Chrys said she was banished into a blocked volcano for nearly a THOUSAND YEARS! Their jaws dropped. All Rover could say after that was, "Woah......". Fido and Spot stayed silent. "You know, it's getting pretty late. Maybe we should get some rest.". Sombra said. Once again Chrys laid down next to him and fell asleep. Sombra did as well. Rover couldn't help but stare at them for a while, thinking, "Man, they're so lucky.". He also wondered how they even found each other. Rover had nothing but Spot and Fido, his younger brothers, for years! All three of them were still awake when they started to think of a plan. A plan to get Sombra and Chrysalis to "tie the knot". It was obvious that they cared about each other, so why couldn't they love each other? Just then they heard a noise behind the bushes and had no choice but to follow it (because of instinct). Not long after, Sombra and Chrys woke up to yipping and whimpering. After running out of the bushes with Fido and Spot following behind, Rover yelled, "SCATTER!!!". Chrys stayed close to Sombra when they saw a dark, tall figure in front of them. "T-Tirek..." Chrys said. Sombra saw that Tirek's pupils were not the usual yellow coloring, but a bright, Sky colored blue! Just then Tirek grabbed Chrys with his magic and threw her hard enough to hit her back to a tree. She became unconscious. "Chrys!". Sombra yelled, galloping to her side. He was by Chrys' side when suddenly Tirek was about to lunge toward them. Tirek shot magic from his horns, hoping he would finish both of them off. Just then Sombra blocked the magic with his front right leg. It went into his leg and made a huge crack in his bone. He was furious! Not only did Tirek hurt him, but Tirek tried to kill his queen!!! He shot Tirek with dark magic, knocking him out cold. Sombra started panting, feeling like he was going to pass out. Finally Chrys regained consciousness. She saw Sombra, his legs starting to shake, and ran up to him. His body fell onto hers, his eyes starting closing from exhaustion. "You okay?". Chrys asked him, slightly panicking inside. Sombra replied while smiling weakly, "I-i'm fine. Just... just a little lightheaded is all. You?". "Never better.....". Said Chrys. Sombra eyes closed. He fell asleep from exhaustion. Chrys chuckled and thought, "How cute.". Then she carried him with her magic, laid him on her back, and flew off to find those mutts. She thought about thanking them for somehow "warning" them. At the same time she thought about punching all three of them in every vulnerable area on their bodies. For now, she was thankful to have Sombra by her side, then she thought, "Sleep well, my king.".

How it came to be. (A Sombra x Chrysalis fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now