Chapter Seven: Sacrifice

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The sun once again was warm on Sombra's face....... but that's not what woke him up. It was Rover saying "Dude!", over and over and over again. Sombra finally got up and growled, "What do you want?". "Have you seen Chrissy anywhere?". Rover asked him. "Okay. First of all, it's Chrys. Second, she's right-.". He stopped. She wasn't by his side! Sombra started to panic. "OH MY CELESTIA!!! H-HOW DID I NOT NOTICE SHE WAS GONE?!?!". Then he realized he could still do a navigation spell. Finally putting the spell to good use, he turned into his shadow form (finally), and both he and the mutts went to find her and make sure she's safe. They were almost there when suddenly a manticore appeared, blocking the entrance. Just then Rover, Fido and Spot started growling and barking as loud as they could, trying to chase it away. "I will catch up with you guys later, okay?". Sombra asked them, but the mutts were too busy barking that they couldn't hear him. Then he turned into his regular form and galloped fast enough to break the wood that was locking the door. He realized he was in the abandoned castle of the two sisters, that's when Sombra then saw that Chrys was somehow being confronted by a dark, cloaked figure. Once both Chrys and the cloaked figure noticed him, Chrys yelled, "SOMBRA, RUN!!! SHE'S AFTER YOU, NOT ME!". "You stay out of this, you pitiful runt!". The figure exclaimed. The figure chuckled, "My, my... isn't this quite a surprise! I mean, Sombra: The King Of Hatred And Fear, actually being the knight in shining armor for the damsel in distress, Chrysalis: The Former Queen of the changelings! AHAHAHAHAAAH!". Sombra was surprised and finally said, "WHO ARE YOU?! HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!". "Awww, it's sad that you don't remember me. After all, I could never forget you..." The figure said as it removed its cloak from it's body. Sombra was not only in complete shock, but fear and disbelief started rising within him. "Radiant Hope...?" He asked, trying so hard not to cry. "Radiant Hope is forever GONE!!! I am now..... Sickening Despair!" She yelled. Sombra examined her from afar. She was now a changeling! Green diamonds were now embedded in different parts of her body. She was taller than Chrys, with even more holes in her legs than her. She had hair that started as navy blue, then faded to lighter blues every couple of inches. The outer iris of her eye started out as pastel purple and changed to pastel blue. Her inner iris was a deep, pure, true blue. Lastly, her outer shell color was the exact same color of her old, crystal coat. Sombra couldn't help but say, "But..... You were gone. I saw you! I-i buried you in the healing pool and-". "Sombra! The healing pool had a toxic chemical in it that only affected crystal ponies! I was reincarnated and yet.... you left for another!!!" Despair exclaimed at him. Sombra was caught off guard not by guilt of her death, but by guilt of what she had become! Just then Sombra was fully under Sickening Despair's entrancing spell, and he started walking up the stairs to stand by his new lover. "NO! You can't do this to him! I will give you anything! Or even do anything! Fame, fortune, infinite power! You name it! Just, please..... Don't do this.". Chrys exclaimed. Then Despair just stared at her with a puzzled look on her face. "Anything? Like you would..... sacrifice your life for him?". She asked. "Y-yes.". Chrys sighed, a single tear falling from her right eye. Sickening Despair evilly grinned as she said in a distorted like voice, "Very well. Then I shall let him free, correct?" Chrys nodded. "Excellent...". Despair finally said. Chrys was then sitting on the floor just before the stairs when The last thing she said quietly was, "I'm so, so sorry Sombra.". Tears kept falling from her eyes as blast of magic from Despair's horn hit Chrys straight on her heart! She screamed, then landed on the ground with a loud thud. She was on her side, laying there, motionless. "As promised.". Despair said to herself. She then released Sombra from her spell and he muttered, "Ugh. What... what happened?". He then saw Chrys lying on the ground below the stairs. "Chrys!!". He gasped, flying with his magic made wings, he sat down in front of her and held Chrys in his hooves. "C-Chrys? Come on Chrys. W-wake up. Please Chrys, just.... just wake up! Please..." He said, putting her head against his while tears were falling like tiny waterfalls out of his eyes. He then felt pure rage, anger, and fury for Sickening Despair, and he would make sure she payed the price for killing Chrys! "Alright you MONSTER! Now, we duel.". Sombra yelled at her. Despair then said in a distorted voice once again, "With pleasure.". The both of them shot magic with their horns and began. Sombra was starting to lose, Despair's magic was powerful....... But not powerful enough! Sombra finally gave it all he had and shot a huge burst of magic from his horn. Sombra then realized he had won. He saw that he turned Sickening Despair to stone. Knowing it was all over he then galloped back to Chrys and held her once again. Though it was too late, he confessed anyway, "I..... I love you! M-my Queen...".

How it came to be. (A Sombra x Chrysalis fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant