Chapter Two: The Gesture

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Sombra and Chrysalis travelled for hours upon hours! At least, that's how long Chrysalis thought they have been walking. She was tired, thirsty, and most importantly... STARVING!!! She kept dragging her hooves wherever they went. Now only that, but she was going only eight inches slower than Sombra. She couldn't help but notice how he looked like he was having a good time. "How is he in such a good mood? Doesn't he know I'm obviously suffering?!" She thought to herself, wondering if he just didn't care or if he didn't even notice. Suddenly he stopped, then said, "Alright, we'll rest here until tomorrow. Be right back...". Once he was finally gone, she laid straight down on her back. She still couldn't believe that the grass in the Everfree forest was incredibly soft. It wasn't scratchy like she had originally thought. The sunlight was warm on her face. After months of thinking of plans on how to make Equestria burn and get payback from her enemies, she finally felt relaxed. Then she heard running water from a river and splashing in the background, though she could care less. She felt so free and alive. Free from worry, anger, fear, and sadness. She could've fallen asleep too, if it wasn't for Sombra coming back. Annoyed that he completely ruined her relaxation, she sat up and growled, "What do you want?". She noticed Sombra had something in his mouth, though she couldn't tell what it was. He laid it down on the ground, surprisingly still flopping. Chrysalis then noticed it was a salmon, which did explain the splashing in the background. He then said, "Don't worry. It's still alive, but not for long. You might want to feed on it before it dies.". He started to walk back to the river when Chrysalis said, "Thank you...". He stopped. Nopony has ever said that to him in over a thousand years! He couldn't help but reply, "My pleasure.". Then he turned his head back to the direction of the river and left. Chrysalis chuckled and thought, "Who knew that the King Of Hatred And Fear would make such a kind gesture." She then began to feed on the animal's love. Once over with, all that was left of the salmon was skin and bones. No longer hungry, she decided to repay him by helping find more prey. So she got up from the soft, plush grass and made her way to the river. She then found that Sombra's shoes (or whatever they were called) were on the ground next to the water, then finding Sombra on top of an extremely small waterfall. It was about five or six inches taller than a two year old. That's when Chrysalis saw how he was catching the salmon. He was kind of doing it like a bear, catching the fish with his mouth while they were trying to make it to the other side of the waterfall. Whenever Sombra caught one in his mouth, he would sink his teeth into the fish's neck and body. Though some of them he kept alive for Chrysalis, others that he killed were for himself. Chrysalis also noticed that he was getting a lot of female fish who were filled with eggs (since breeding season had already started). He kept most of the females alive though, since the eggs were packed with protein. Not to mention extra love from the eggs and their mothers'. Chrysalis had this voice at the back of her head saying that she should go back and relax until Sombra was done. At the front of her head a voice was saying that she should learn how to hunt like that so she could catch food for herself. So she started to walk up onto the river right next to Sombra. "H-hey..." Chrysalis said. Sombra was surprised to see her and started to blush. He then replied, "Oh... H-hi. Is everything okay?". Chrysalis then said, "Yeah, everything's okay. I... i was just wondering if..... um, (ahem), you could teach me how to hunt like that?". Though quite surprised, he then said with a smile in between evil and romantic, "Gladly." He told Chrysalis how to get the exact angle and stance, then when the moment is just right to grab a fish within your reach. It took about seven or eight tries, but she finally caught one. She got another one over, and over, and over, and over again! Sombra then chuckled, "My, my, Chrysalis. You really are a fast learner!". She then smiled, slightly blushing. "Let's just say, i'm learning from the best...". Soon night fell, and the both of them hid some fish to save for later, just in case. They kept talking to each other, learning about what strange things they've seen and the strange, stupid, or even idiotic ponies and other creatures they had met. They couldn't help but laugh at how silly ponies would act. They even talked about their past plans to finally put Equestria under their rule, but laughed about how they were defeated. "Woah woah woah. Wait! You're seriously saying that you, the King Of Hatred And Fear, was defeated by a BABY DRAGON and a PINK ALICORN PRINCESS?!". She asked, laughing so hard that she could've choked on her own saliva. Sombra then replied, laughing as hard as Chrysalis, "I know, right?! I felt so humiliated!!! I mean, that was an ALL TIME LOW for me!". Once they calmed down, Sombra asked Chrysalis, "So, should I give you some sort of nickname?". Well, I don't see why not." Chrysalis said after thinking about it for a moment or two. "What do you think it should be?". Chrysalis asked him. After thinking for a few seconds, Sombra replied, "Well... how about Chrys?". She agreed. Sombra then said, "Well Chrys, it's getting late. Maybe you should get some rest.". "Aren't you tired as well?" Chrys yawned. "Ha. Umbrum don't need sleep. Besides, I will keep watch.". Sombra said proudly. Chrys sighed, then walked up and laid down next to him. Sombra started blushing extremely, but as soon as she fell asleep, he felt more relaxed and calm than he had in over a thousand years. Every now and then Chrys would snore and mumble in her sleep, sometimes even moving her legs slightly enough for Sombra to notice. The night became cold an hour or two later, and Chrys started to get chills. Sombra wasn't sure about the decision he was about to make, but he decided to go with it. He put his red fur cloak on top of Chrys, hoping that she would stop shaking from chills. Luckily she stopped, and Chrys sighed and smiled in her sleep. Sombra started smiling himself. Not from evil or romance, but quiet happiness and relief. He then started to feel tired, and later fell asleep. With his head against hers, he made a promise that he would make her feel safe whenever she was with him. As soon as he made the promise, he especially felt more safe than ever.

How it came to be. (A Sombra x Chrysalis fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now