Chapter 46

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Deciding that the best place to go to is the checkpoint, that's where we head. By the time we get there we are glad that it's where everybody is. Trigger meets is at the front gate.
The checkpoint is a sort of a farm, on about 5 acres, it's one of our old members homes,  who ended up retiring here with his wife,  he still  keeps his hand in with cobra but when troubles around we try to stay away,  but he knows we wouldn't  put him in danger unless we had to.
Trigger greets us with open arms saying, "Jesus brother I was worried we wouldn't see you.... Well, standing anyway. Prez got here just now,  come on,   let's go!" We get back in the car and head to the house.

Walking in the house, there are cheers all around,  I suppose we look good for what could've happened. Prez is the first to greet us with a slap on the back, then the one armed hug followed by everybody else, it just goes to show how close we are in our club. After the greets are done Prez starts "what do we know?"
"We know that we have about 19 hours to find the girls and that there at Flinders ports, in a container, the guy Bullet interrogated told us a fair bit. Have you heard from Dad?"
Nodding he says, "yeah he's good at the moment with the way you guys set it up, he's told me his boys from Melbourne will join us in about,"taking a  look at his watch, "an hour so man power will be strong!" Nodding, "good we will need it. Hadies club isn't huge, but they have a few guys so we have our 12, plus how many of the  Melbourne charter  is coming?"
" 10, Cobra sent a high alert out, so Bear contacted me on their   last stop  they had,  so we have plenty.!"
Bullet says next, "what about Cory and Felix, any word?"
"No, nothing, we're hoping they're  with the girls!" We start to do some planning,  while PC prints out overhead maps of the place, and Prez starts to organise us into groups.

The hour seems to be dragging and so does my temper. Every time I look at my phone the time hasn't moved...Fuck! Bullet comes over to me, "PC got me some info about that number, but Soph killed it and dumped her phone on our last stop. But the number seems to belong to a Jason Simpson, you heard of  him?"
"Nah, I know  Stasia was worried,  but brother at this moment let's just get them back!"
"Yeah, but if I don't think a head.... I'm  going on a killing spree and if I have to think what they're going through.... Fuck Drew!"
" I'm hearing you,  let's go see if those other guys are here, and let's get ready to roll!" 

Once the guys from Melbourne arrive we have a  lot of organising to do ,  Bear tells us some more info that Cobra had gotten to him,  so we have more of an idea now where the girls are supposed to be held,  but they could also have a different holding place and then get taken to where we think they are... we just need to hurry up the sooner we get them the better!

Once Prez gives the word we are ready,  we all have our guns, weapons and anything you can think of to get these girls back. We all Head to Flinders ports!


Waking up, I feel that my arms are tied and my ankles are tied as well, there's something in my mouth, where the hell am I? All I can hear is silence. I look around the room, hoping to understand why I'm here.
Then bits come back to me,  saying goodbye to Drew, him closing the car door and us thinking we were all good,  until we were fighting to stay awake.
My head is really sore, I'm thinking it's the stuff they knocked us out with. Where are the other girls I try to turn and look behind me but there is nothing in here but me? 
After a bit I can hear a commotion out of this room, I just can't get  the direction of where it's coming from,  there's no door that I can see and the walls aren't plaster board  but I'm not sure  what they are as the commotion gets louder, I hear it's a female voice screaming to get the fuck away from her, then a door that must be behind me opens then closes and two girls are thrown to the floor,  I'm still not sure who it is, but I'm pretty sure ones, Mira, then she pulls herself up and goes and bangs on the door,  and the other  girl scurries herself to the side wall, shit that's Izzy,  she is shaking so bad,  I can't even ask her if she's alright cause my mouth is gagged and Mira is beating the shit out of the door,I'm pretty sure that it's not going to help us, but who knows at this point... after Mira notices I'm in  the room, she come to me and takes off my gag and turns my chair around so I'm facing the door, then  says "omg, are you ok, I didn't know where you were.  Savie, Sophie and Keata,  I don't know where they are either .....what are we going to do...!" I look to Izzy " are you ok what happened to you?"  She just shakes more, not answering me. I look to Mira and she runs over and drops to Izzy's side, Izzy  jumps, her nerves must be  a mess,  then I look at Mira, " did you two get separate?"
Nodding Mira replies,  "we just met up then." Shit what happened to her or what did she see... Mira tries asking her, but she can't stop herself from shaking.
I'm wondering who has us when my Father makes his grand entrance and everything falls into place for me. Izzy was taken by my father, and this is how I got found. I can't stop staring at him as he comes into view.
"Well, well, well, it's taken me awhile to find you, Anastasia, why would you run from what you had.... It was your calling, just like your mothers!"
I feel sick, not him.... I start to take deep breaths trying to gain some strength that Nana Sally pushed me to have, but I'm still tied to a damn chair, shit.
I gather as much strength as I can to talk to him, but Mira gathers more and runs at him,  ready to knock him over, but he sees her coming and punches her in the mouth, she doesn't have time to find her balance, she hits the floor and I'm not sure if she's still  conscious,  Till I hear her moan in pain.
I look straight at my father and say "let them go, plus the others,  I'll come with you,  no complaints.... I promise!" Shaking his head he replies "it's too late for them, we have plans for you all, even," he kicks Mira in the stomach hard and she groans, "the clubs princess, which I must say was a great surprise!"
Ohh god this is not going to be good, I can feel it.... shit does the boys even know where we are! Then I remember Cory and Felix, just as I'm thinking about them Felix walks in looking too smug for himself, oh my gosh was he in on it.... Did he do this.. oh no! As he walks over to us my father puts his arm around him great work son!!
What..... son..... can't be, shit... my brain just spins and my father says the words I've been thinking  "Anastasia, meet your brother Felix, Felix meet your sister!"
I just stare at him.. for what seems like forever. I even forget who's in the room when Izzy says something for the first time since she got in here "where's Cory? What have you done to him?"
My father laughs, he laughs so hard like this is the best joke he's heard in a long time. When he is able to speak he replies with, "you will have to wait and see... I had plans to just kill him but, I don't have the last say this time. You will meet the man in charge soon enough, just be patient and maybe I'll let your brother get properly acquainted with you,  while I move these girls and give them some of what's coming for them."
Oh god no if he finds out Mira is a virgin,  she is...god no I start to talk but some one comes in the door this guy is tall bald and probably cobras age but he looks mean, oh god I don't even know who he is.
"No one touches them yet! My father will be here soon!" Then he points to something and two other guys come in and start to tie Mira and Izzy up,  but they don't gag us. When they finish they leave the room,  all of them but not before my so called brother says "see you soon sis!" I just stare at him I'm still in shock, I have a sibling..... and we are all captured.
Mira's the first to speak "god I had no idea he was not good, dad will kill him for turning on the club, let alone doing this shit, we need to get out of here!"

We are in silence for a while, Mira and Izzy maybe trying to find a way out, but I've just gone blank. Looking at Mira, I see her lip is busted and she has some dried blood around her mouth.
My body's starting to shake cause I'm cold and I know this is it and I've brought this to these girls. Mira must sense what I'm thinking cause she shakes her head then says "get that shit out of your head... we are getting out of here we might get a few bumps along the way but we're getting out, you both listening to me?" Izzy nods and I just look away I'm mortified that this has happened. Having a brother and then him having to live through ... Oh god did he grow up by himself or did my father just have two different lives, it's not like we are that different in age and I left. Maybe I could have changed him, made things easier. I don't even realise I'm sobbing until I hear my name then I hear it more clearly and it's Mira trying to calm me! "Shhhh  Stasia we got this and I have your back, you hear me, before and after all this shit is over!"
"Oh Mira, it's not just that I failed my brother, it's what he had to live through, it's  what I got away from,  I would have stayed and protected him.... God, he must hate me?" She shakes her head saying "you can't think that way. And if you ask me it's too late for him! He's bad Stasia he's either going to kill us or hurt us so don't feel that way, not for him or anyone! Now focus we need a plan!"
We both agree "but what are we supposed to do tied up, at least if we were untied, a plan might happen!" She starts shaking her head " I know Stasia,  dammit. But if they untie us I think we need to cause  some problems maybe one of us could start vomiting or some sort of commotion ..."
"let's try get these off first then go for the commotion," I say while pulling at our ropes.
We all agree and fall silent trying to undo them.

We try for the next couple of hours because no one comes to see us for about that long!

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