I held up my hand. “Perhaps, you would like to go somewhere more private?” I asked and looked at Alex. Alex smiled and nodded discreetly to me.

Isaiah flashed a brilliant smile. “Lead the way, Your Highness,” he said and bowed at the waist to me.

I frowned, not wanting and liking that my life was soon going to be changing. Yet, remembering my role I had to perform, I smiled and led the way to Alex’s small office on the ground floor. Just before I opened the door, Alex sidestepped me and opened it himself and gestured for me to enter first. I smirked.

“Learning manners? A bit too late, hey?” I teased. “I am already used to opening my own doors,” I added just for extra measure.

Instead of pulling me aside and answering my thoughts to him, he just winked at me –a promise that trouble was to follow as soon as we were alone.

I growled at him lowly, but when Isaiah chuckled, I remembered that we actually had a purpose in this room. I gave Isaiah a shy smile and made to sit on one of the chairs opposite Alex, but he pulled me with him and forced me to sit on his lap. Isaiah laughed and I looked at him, trying and hoping he understood I was not usually one to be open with affections.

“Miss Olivia, I understand, you don’t have to fret. Alex will not let you out of his sights ever,” he laughed.

I just gave a small, shy smile and leaned against Alex’s chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “You were saying,” I said trying to take away the focus from my love life.

He grinned and began his tale. “Yes, I was saying that I had turned twenty-seven. So that night, my friend and I went out and had a blast. We got so drunk that we just passed out in the middle of nowhere. A few days later, I woke up stark naked in a tree in the middle of the day. My skin stung from the burning sunlight and somehow, I made it behind a tree, long enough to find a rock big enough for me to hide behind. Later that day when the sun set, I ran into town and grabbed clothes from a well-known store and made it out before anyone could see me.”

Being the careless person I am, I just blurted the first thing that came to mind. “Are you telling me that you stole clothes?”

Behind me, Alex just started laughing and one look at Isaiah, he laughed as well. “Baby,” Alex said comfortingly. “Let the man talk, but yes, he did steal clothes,” Alex answered.

That’s not right, I thought glumly.

“Princess,” Alex said warningly. I just pouted and went on thinking my own thoughts, regardless if he was going to remain listening.

It’s my bloody thoughts! I will think what I want! I thought rebelliously. If you don’t like what I think then you shouldn’t listen in! My thoughts! I should be able to think whatever I like to think!

“Anyway,” Isaiah went on with a knowing smile. “I actually did steal those clothes and for days I felt guilty about it. The sad thing though, was that I spent so many days agonising over that moral issue that I didn’t realize what happened to me. I thought so much about the theft that I didn’t realize that I had turned into a vampire and that I craved blood. As a werewolf and in my wolf form, it was natural to eat the animal raw, that it never bothered me. However, when I hunted small game, I never gave thought to drinking the blood.”

“So, you were morally consumed by guilt and it clouded your mental capacity?” I asked.

He nodded.

“Didn’t it bother you that you didn’t know where you were?” I asked again, trying to get the full story.

He shook his head. “Nope, as a werewolf, I would also be able to find my home. It never bothered me. At least I until I found out I was half-way across the globe. I ended up in South Africa. In an area that had many wildlife and filled with beautiful nature. So I spent time, once I found out what I was, travelling the world and exploring. I learnt much about myself –as both a werewolf and a vampire.”

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