There is kale in them.

Taehyung didn't even know such a vile vegetable existed until Jimin found that  website befitting hell about eating healthy.

Shu-fucking-dder .

He can't think about Jimin now, though. It makes his BP levels rise dangerously. He's still stuck. In quite the predicament.

There's a guy with him, too and if that doesn't decrease Taehyung's will to live even more he doesn't know what does.

There's nothing better than being stuck in an elevator with a hot boy when he's running late to a boring class. He can't wait to get home and take his anger out on Jimin's blender. Again.

Enter raven haired boy. Stussy hoodie (fuckboy material), tight jeans, dark eye bags.

He has wide doe eyes that look so childlike and hold a galaxy of stars in them but his arms strain against the hoodie with clear signs of protruding biceps and Taehyung swallows his inner distress (and inevitable boner).

Raven haired boy is handsome. Not in the incredibly muscular, impeccably Caucasian and straight kind of way. No. He's just really pretty.

Cute, even.

His face would be gentle if it weren't morphing into a scowl.  A bit like the gentle hum of waves and the silent thrum of Jimin's heartbeat when Taehyung curls up next to him on bad days. He's gentle and pretty and his cheekbones are high as fuck. Sue Taehyung for staring.

Possibly a business major, too since there's files that he's dropped on the floor that have the word 'BUSINESS' printed multiple times in an ugly hangul font. Taehyung feels bad for him. Not that Taehyung has a personal vendetta against fonts like Namjoon does.

Long live comic sans, bitch.

Inevitably, Namjoon avoids him if he can.

Enter Namjoon. Painfully critical of Taehyung's messy scrawl and inability to apprehend more languages than a maximum of two. He's adhered to his philosophy textbook.

That monstrous thing could rival the size of Jimin's thighs and that's saying a lot.

Namjoon has a high IQ, too and the mere fact that he wastes it on being a philosophy major both astounds and  annoys Taehyung a lot.

Namjoon is nice, though. Kind of cute, too. Endearing, especially when he wears an ugly yellow hoodie with the hood tightly clad against his pancake-y face. At least most of the times, anyway.

Right. The elevator.

Taehyung eyes the content of the files before his brain almost malfunctions and dies and resorts to turning back to the guy.

He's mumbling almost angrily under his breath and paying Taehyung no mind as he presses random numbers into the little keypad on the elevator wall repeatedly. He must be late, too.

Scratch what Taehyung thought about this guy being gentle. He looks murderous now and Taehyung thinks that if he tried hard enough, he could puncture one of Taehyung's organs.


Taehyung's finger twitches. He's getting anxious now.

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