Chapter Two

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Y/n's POV

I stood next to Garroth as he flipped a switch on the circuit breaker, which caused it to explode. We both screamed and laid on the ground. Everything was so... so blurry! Aaron, Lucinda and Kim came running into the room, "Are you guys alright?!" Aaron asked, very concerned as he helped me up. Lucinda and Kim helped Garroth up, he grunted. We told them what happened before Aaron found a emerald on the ground... huh.. that's odd. Suddenly we heard footsteps and crashes upstairs. "What was that?" Lucinda asks to nobody in particular, "I don't know.." Aaron mumbles, "I'm going to check it out.." Aaron says, "I'm going too!" Garroth exclaimed, "I will go as well.." Lucinda murmurs, "That's exactly what they want!" Kim whisper shrieks at them. They left Kim and I behind, we both ran after them. We hid behind some boxes, there was a woman standing in the middle of the room with a few wolves looking around. The female had more than one scent on her... the scent was familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it... suddenly I saw the others leaving from the small barrier of boxes, I followed close behind them. We all sighed before the lights flickered on. I fist pumped the air happily.

Time skip to the next day~

It was mid-day, we were still looking for Kim. I felt a knot in my stomach. She isn't anywhere! I sigh before I hear something outside. Aaron and I headed outside only for him to be hugged by someone. I realized it was Aphmau! I looked past the hugging couple and saw Zane! "Best fraaaannd!" I squealed as I run and tackle him, hugging him. Zane was surprised and hugged back, chuckling. I hug him tighter, he starts coughing, "I-I... can't breathe!" He complained as I let go of him. I offered him a hand and helped him up. "We need help finding Kim!" I exclaim as I pull him into the lodge. The two of us started looked for Kim before I decided to split up. I looked in every room! I couldn't find her! I then heard a scream... was it Zane? I sprinted to the source of the sound, I found Kim trying to kiss Zane! Kim then went unconscious... this confused me! Garroth and the others came into the room... Zane seemed pretty shocked.

Le time skip~

Aphmau, Aaron, Kim, and Lucinda left to go to the small village up the mountain! Garroth, Zane and I were hanging out in a room. We were talking, laughing and making jokes before we heard loud knocking and pounding on the bottom floor. "What in the world was that noise?!" Zane shouted, afraid. "I think someone is in the cabin! Or maybe the group is coming back?" Garroth mumbles, wondering what was happening. Me on the other hand, I was shaking. I was sitting on the ground, holding my knees and rocking back and forth. "No way, Aph said she'd text me when they would be back!" Zane exclaims before looking down at my shaking form, he sighed softly before he knelt down and hugged me. I didn't hug back, I was afraid, I had a horrible feeling in my stomach. "Gyah! It must be that wolf girl!" Garroth gasps and whines, "What?! She was real? I thought she was something your boob mind came up with!" Zane exclaims, surprised. "Boob mind?!" Garroth shouts, frowning. "What does she want?!" Says a freaking out Zane, I felt nauseous. "Guys calm down! There are three of us and one of her," Garroth says, trying to be soothing. He was right! There are three of us and one of her! "But you also mentioned there are a bajillion wolves!" Zane shrieked, "Oh yeah I forgot about that..." Garroth mumbles under his breath, "I guess my boob mind forgot about that..." "We are doomed!" Zane screamed as I started freaking out again. I got up and paced around the room. "Guys! Listen to me, calm down! You are with me! Garroth! I won't let anything happen to you guys! Now we are are going to go down and see what's going on. Worst case, I will distract them and you guys break for the door. Okay? Okay. C'mon let's go! Follow me!" Garroth says before leaving the room, I shake my head furiously. "We are doomed! There is no way this is gonna work! Garroth's plan never works!" This freaked me out more, I started crying. "I don't wanna die!" I wailed, shivering. "We are staying here! We will be safe together, I promise!" Zane exclaims as he holds her. After awhile Zane grew impatient. "What is taking that imbecile of a brother so long!" He complained before hearing shuffling around in the other room. "Ugh! He probably forgot which room we were in! I'll go get him.. stay here!" He exclaimed before leaving the room. "Zane don't go!" I wailed, after awhile I heard the door knob twist. "Zane! Hurry up and get back in here!" I whine, not wanting to be alone for much longer. The door opened to reveal a person wearing all black, with a hood pulled up. I backed up against the wall as the person came close to me, I screamed as I was hit in the head by something. I heard running, "Y/n!" I heard someone scream from afar as I fell unconscious.

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