• Drawn by Fate •

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drawn to be lovers
but we're fated to be friends

i didn't knew what love was
(from the first time i saw you)
until the moment when--
the fire ignited (the flame ablazed)
i held with me the torch
(you had the light that burst)
and when the coals aflamed:
we're in fire to know
we're in love (burnt and hot)

drawn to be lovers
but fated to be friends:

and when our fire ablazed

some desired to put it off

some things came to
put it off--and so our fire
ignited (with its smoke
flew to the height of the sky)
and i knew not where it went
if it reached the sky or
to the side below.

to the man i once loved: a poetryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz