So Many Guys.. So Little Me

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Hey:) so this is my first story and i really hope anyone that reads it likes it. Id love to hear your comments and ideas but this story is mine so im not change anyhing about it. Read, comment, vote love:)


Chapter 1

The First Day

I was getting my last few moments of my minuscule night's sleep, when I heard something on my night table buzz. I rolled over and looked at the clock, 6:45. A good fifteen minutes before I had to wake-up. My phone was lit up with the tell tale signs of a text. I decided whatever it was, it wasn't worth losing my last minutes of sleep over. I rolled back over and snuggled into the warmth of my pillow.

Today was going to be the first day of school. The first day of my junior year. I had stayed up late last night, unable to go to sleep, subconsciously worried about today.

It seemed as though I had just gotten back to sleep- and back to a dream I did not want to wake up from- when my phone began to scream the lyrics to my favorite All American Rejects' song, Gives you Hell. I hit my phone three times before finally finding the button to turn it off. Silence. I lay on my back for a moment, relaxing and trying to forget the dream- because that's all it was, a dream.

I slowly opened my eyes to the bright light streaming in through my curtains, leaving splashes of grey on my walls. I reached over and grabbed my phone to see who the text was from. Elena, of course. Elena is my best friend in the entire world. I had no idea what to expect. But this was nothing even close.


I replied back: Wow! Use enough capital letters there?? And your point is...

I got up and headed towards my closet to pull together today's "wow outfit" as Elena would call it. She had spent half of last night describing, in depth, her "wow outfit". She then spent the other half of the night telling me what I need to wear for my "wow outfit".

Elena's reply to my message vibrated my jacket, no doubt, with her outraged response to my lack of enthusiasm for the new hot British guy. I pulled my phone out of my jacket while flipping through my hangers.

Annaliegh I cant believe u r not freaking out about this!!! OMG please wear something HOT!!!! U need a bf!!!

I replied: Ill do my best:)

Was tht sarcastic?? Cuz it sounded sarcastic!!

Only slightly;) I don't need a guy u can have him!

Whtever when u see im u will want him!! I g2g get ready see u!!!!

Hahaha bye Ellie

Chuckling to myself, I thought about what to wear. My usual style had always been mostly pairs of dark wash jeans- skinny preferred- crazy black t-shirts, vintage band t- shirts, tons of old beat-up hoodies and jackets, and (the ever faithful) rows and rows of converse. Now, Elena loves my clothing, of course. It is totally me and put together well, but she never gave up on trying to bring me over into the world of polos, florals, and mini skirts.

I thought I would meet her halfway, so to speak. I pulled out one of my hangers with this awesome vintage skirt I got at a second hand store a couple of weeks ago. It wasn't a mini ,but it wasn't exactly knee length either. It's ink washed hem hit me just above half way down my thigh. I doubt that this is how it was intended to be , but at 5' 10" you learn people don't make clothes for your height. My legs are long, but not tooth pick skinny. Not accustomed to bearing this much skin for school though, I donned a pair of black leggings. To go on top, I grabbed my favorite dark grey Duran Duran shirt and my elbow length vintage leather jacket.

The cherries on top were my long unruly brown hair straightened and pulled back into a high pony tail that reached half way down my back and my favorite pair of beat-up dark grey high- tops that reached all the way up to my knees. My converse met my leggings at my knee and I tucked them in.

I quickly brushed my teeth and grabbed my phone from the counter and slipped it in my front pocket. I stepped back into my room and popped my head phones into my ears, turned the volume all the way up and play Dog Days are Over by Florence and the Machine.

Happiness hit her like a train on a track

Coming towards her stuck still no turning back

She hid around corners and she hid under beds

She killed it with kisses and from it she fled

The lyrics rattled on and on in my head. I had listen to this song some many times I could write down every single word to it. This, I actually did very often. My notebooks and folders were covered with the lyrics to my favorite songs.

I walked over to my desk and pick up my worn book bag. It had been ravaged by sharpies, paint and markers. There were so many random things written on it. There were song lyrics and names, bands and movies, story ideas and phone numbers. Every time my dad saw it he just shook his head, sighed and made me assure him that no I did not need a new book bag.

I slipped my white out and sharpie covered notebook with all of my stories and poems into my bag along with all of my pencils. I grabbed Tuck Everlasting and stuck it in the front pocket. This was only the millionth time I was reading it, but you cant help but love a good book. I zipped up all of the pockets, threw my bag over my shoulder and snatched my purse. I stopped, took a deep breath, and looked around my room. I fought the sudden erg to jump back in bed and go back to sleep, but then I turned and walked out the door.

My iPod had switched songs and was now playing the lyrics to fountain by Sara Lov. Every time I heard this song it made me want to run and grab my sketch book and pencils and just draw and draw till there were no pages left. I gritted my teeth though and continued my journey down the stairs. I got downstairs just in time to hear my older brother slam his bedroom door and make his way to the kitchen.

Don, my brother, was two years older than me and today was his first day of college. He decided to stay close to home and go to the university here in town, because they had a great business program and that is what he was majoring in. He was tall, muscular and had unruly curly brown hair like mine. Thankfully, though, he kept his much shorter. We ran in totally different crowds. I mean, even for being in different grades we were so different. At least that's what I thought. Everyone always said we were so much alike. Shudder.

He had just finished he bagel when he breezed right past me, towards the garage door. "Come on, Lee, let's go." He had decide to grace me with him taking me to my first day of school. How nice of him?? NOT!

I twitched my nose and stuck out my tongue. Today was going to be hectic.

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