Chapter | Four

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You and Yoongi walked to class. He opened the door after knocking twice. When the you were both in, the teacher looked at both of you with a mad face.

"You're both late. After school detention for 2 hours." He said. Wow. We were 1 1/2  minutes late. "Yoongi shouldn't be in detention!" I blurted out. "Excuse me?" The teacher said.        "Yoongi was trying to get me to class but I said no. So he dragged me here and when we came in so you assumed making an ass of yourself and Yoongi and me we were both late deciding to give us detention when it should just be me." I added looking at him. He shook his head. "He was still late." I looked at him making my eyes change looking like a puppies eyes pouting. He gave in. "Fine. But this is a warning for you. MIN YOONGI!" He said. My eyes went to the normal look.
A/v: Cat eyes if you didn't know. --------------------------------------------------------------

°Yoongi's View°

What the hell? She just put it all on her to keep me from getting in trouble? Wow, no girl has ever did that for me. Not even the rest of BTS would do this. They would get into trouble to be with me. But that's it.

I went to go sit in my seat and sat down by the window. " *Whispering* "Did you see how she helped you?" My friend wonwoo said. "Yeah. No one has ever did that for me. But whatever she did to make him agree was strange. I actually wondered what happen. "Dude. Did you notice that her eyes changed." Wonwoo added. "What do you you mean?" I asked confused.

He showed you a small video of her. Her eyes changed from a cats eyes, to a puppies eyes. Your eyes grew big from shock. Then after he said fine, her eyes went back to normal.

What the hell? Is she even human? I have to get into detention to speak with with her. Or wait until lunch. Nah, I'll do both.

~Time skip - Gym~

Is she in this class? Hmm. Yeah I see her. But first I have to change.

°Mystery's View°

I went to the gym to get ready and saw Yoongi looking at me. I quickly looked away and went to go change with the other girls. I looked for an open stall and found it beside some old gym stuff.

You changed into small black thigh length shorts, and a black short sleeve shirt that says ANIMALS on it. Then put on her extra pair of black timberland shoes. When done you left out and sat in the back of the gym.

The teacher came and took role. "Okay. So now that everyone is here, lets start off by doing 4 laps around the gym. Ready~ GO!"

Everyone ran and you did aswell. But when everyone was on their second lap, you were on your fourth one already. When they were done they fell to the floor out of tiredness.

"So what's next coach? Jumping jacks, planks, push ups?" I asked excitedly.  I was pretty hyper if you ask me. Everyone looked at me like 'what the hell?! How are you not tiered?!' faces. "Um, you guys can do free play. But do not just sit in one spot or be on your phones. I will be back in a minute." The teacher said and left.

You went to the other side of the gym and ran laps. Some students did volleyball, basket ball, indoor foot ball, soccer, and jump rope. Yoongi was looking for you and saw someone running in the other gym side. When he went in there he saw you. You ran almost as fast as a cheetah. You saw a mouse and did a front flip over it and landed on all four.

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