Chapter two- A simple kiss

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“So?”, my mum asks as she comes waltzing in to my room.

“So what”, I reply slightly embarrassed, knowing full well what she is prying for. I look at her with pleading eyes, before looking towards Jennifer, who has coincidentally decided today of all days to come around and catch up.

“So… what do you guys want to drink?”,she asks awkwardly, sighing and rolling her eyes as I smile at her.

“I’m okay thanks though, mum. Jen, do you want anything?” I ask as I turn to look at her.

“I’ll have water if that’s okay, please?”

As my mum disappears from my room, I collapse on my bed beside Jen, a sigh slipping from my lips.

I really don’t want people to know what I’m in the middle of at the moment, especially not Jen…

I mean, any woman would be freaked out if they found out that someone is watching their every move. People go to prison for that!

“Your mum didn’t come up to ask us if we wanted a drink… Did she”, Jen queries suspiciously, turning her head to look straight into my eyes, “you’re not telling me something Josh, I can tell!”

She pouts and I can’t help but smile at her, “Josh! Seriously.. You tell me everything. What’s going on”, she questions again, pulling my face towards hers, our eyes locking together. Suddenly, I find my mind racing.

I can’t tell her the truth she’ll think I’m psycho!

So I do the one thing my mind is telling me to do in that moment. I put my hand on her face and look straight into her eyes before placing my lips on hers.

Of course we have kissed before but at that time we were surrounded by cameras. When she starts kissing me back everything else in my head suddenly vanishes. I've been wanting Jen for so long. I push her down onto the bed as I lay on top of her, our lips still connected and one of her hands in my hair the other placed on my chest.

A sudden knock on the door causes us to jump up quickly. My mum wanders in, her eyes wide as they lock on us and our suddenly startled expressions and ruffled hair. She cracks a smile before scurrying back out again.

I stand there for a moment staring straight at the door as my finger touch against my lips.

“I'm so sorry, Jen”, I find myself mumbling, “I don’t know what came over me.”

I turn to face her but she just stares down at her feet. I find myself brushing her hair out of her face and lifting her chin up to look at me before I notice the tears filling up her eyes.


“I've got to go”, she exclaims suddenly, grabbing her bag and walking out of my room, leaving me standing there in shock.

“Great! … Just Great”, I mumble to myself as I throw myself down on my bed with my head in my hands. A month before we're due to start filming together again and I go and make things extremely awkward between us!

“She’s got a boyfriend! What the hell am I thinking?”

But the truth is, I didn't think about it… I got distracted by the lust I have for her and it over powered my body, overtaking any senses that could’ve stopped me. Blocking out all my previous thoughts and before I knew it my lips are on hers.

But the strangest thing is... and I just can not get my head around it… She kissed me back.

She was kissing me back!

I suddenly find myself grinning like the Cheshire cat, that kiss playing on repeat in my head and that sensation still tingling my lips. I brush my fingers over them again as my mum once again enters my room. This time followed by my manager, both looking curiously at me as I lay there in my haven. Before returning to my senses and sitting bolt upright staring at them.

“So Josh! Its been a week”, he states excitedly, “So come on, we need the names of the five young ladies who will continue on and the reasons why and also your reasons for voting the others out. Purely because I'm nosy and would like to know”, he chuckles as he eagerly awaits my response.

I roll my eyes and pick up my iPad scrolling through the girls. I hate this, I'm basing this on my little knowledge of each girl and their circumstances. Surely that isn’t a fair judgment. And truth be told after the first couple of days I kind of forgot about it all and just carried on as normal briefly watching here and there.

“Well don’t you mean 4 girls? I mean India sold the poster therefore giving up her place.”

“Yeah, well okay. 4 girls will be eliminated”, he replies before taking out his phone, “by the way Josh, we payed 89 thousand dollars to that young girl. You sure do have some crazed fans bidding that much money on a poster!”

I smile to myself proud of my good deed, and how I helped out a struggling young mum get her life back on track for both her and her daughter's sake. I think back to the other girls that I have watched.. “Okay well I think I'd like to keep Aimee, Elisa, Holly, Devon and Leah”, I say quick, instantly sure of my decision.

“I mean, Taylor was never home and Jodie is engaged. Faye has a boyfriend and I’m not about to split up a relationship.”

I think to myself as my thoughts are drawn back to the earlier events, I don’t want to cause trouble. As much as I like Jen, I know she loves Nick. I don’t want to be the reasons that she gets hurt.

“And what about Imogen”, my manager asks, interrupting my thoughts and I shake my head thinking back to the only time I had watched Imogen..

She was prancing around her room with her friends before flicking through people on facebook and slagging them off. This isn’t someone I'm willing to be associated with. I find myself scowling as I remember the mean remarks. No one deserves to feel inferior to anyone!

“She’s a bitch”, I state simply, making my mother gasp

“Joshua! I will not have language like that in my house!”

“Sorry mum.”

“Okay, so give me the reasons why you want to keep the other girls?”

I sloop back down on my bed flicking through the girls. I once again find Aimee and Elle in Aimee’s room but this time Aimee is crying. I feel a pang in my chest. Out of all the girls Aimee and Elle are the ones that intrigue me most. I love watching their friendship and their own thoughts when the other isn't there. They have truly captured my attention and I’d love to know more about them. But right now I want to know why Aimee is crying?

“So”, he presses again.

“Because I’d like to learn more about them”, I answer harshly before fleeing my room and getting in my car my eyes still locked on Aimee's tear stained face.

“What’s wrong Aimee”, I find myself whispering to the screen before replaying the conversation

“He hit me,” she sobs and removes her hand from the side of her face, uncovering the bright red mark across her cheek. Elle pulls her into a hug.

“Aimee, it’s going to be okay, You’re here now. He won’t touch you again”, she says strongly, wiping away her friends tears.

“But he’s supposed to be my best friend! He just snapped”, she sobs, getting up off her bed and looking in the mirror, “ I don’t know what to do Elle!? I don’t know how to help him! I don’t want to lose him!”

She collapses in a heap on the floor and I find that my own tears are welling in my eyes. Why do I find myself so attached to these two? I yearn to understand more of whats going on but their voices have become hushed in a hug and I'm suddenly aware of the two people standing watching me outside the car window.

“So next week you will accidentally meet the girls”, my manager smiles, “first will be Leah who lives here in Los Angeles!”

My face drops. This wasn’t part of the deal… how can I meet each of these five girls coincidentally! Especially Aimee and Elle? They tell each other everything… What am I going to do!?

I SPY - A Josh Hutcherson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now