"So can you do it? Teach Melody how to be a mermaid, I mean," Peter said. I heard his voice hitch through his chest.

"Of course, but it will take some time. Serval days even." Brooke informed us.

"Thank you. We will be back tomorrow for day one of training," Peter said and started to pull us to shore. We said our goodbyes from a distance. The sun was setting and we still haven't found the camp.

"Do you always get lost on your own island?" I teased.

"Oh shut up," he teases back and pulls an arm around my shoulder. "It hard remembering where camp is with a beautiful girl, who keep on distracting me."

I shriveled my nose up and said, "Since when was I distracting you! I am just walking!"

"That all you have to do to get me distracted, love." Peter placed a kiss on my forehead and I curled into his arms. "You are adorable." He whispered in my ear.

We continued walking through the forest to find the missing camp site. Twilight was upon us and a windy chill consumed our bodies. Peter had wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled my face in his chest. Neverland was never this cold before. I guess the celebratory fire won't happen anymore, because all of the lost boys left. Maybe thats what made the island warm, the love that all of the boys had for each other.

Finally I saw the huts lined up. We were finally at our new home, well my new home. Peter has been living here since like forever. All of a sudden Peter picked me up bridal style and carried me into his room.

He plopped me down on the bed and pulled himself over me. Peter started to kiss my collar bone.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"I am just showing you that I love you." He told me and rested his elbows on the both sides of my head. He used his warm hands to play with my black hair.

"Is that such a good idea right now? I mean we don't even know where Sebastian is! He could be in the hunt next to us?" I told him, forrowing my eyebrows. It would make since if he found my room and was sleeping there, and that is directly across the hall.

"This is exactly what we should be doing! We don't know when our next moment together will be. We need to take advantange of it," Peter said and then kiss my jawline.

"I don't know. I want to just lay here together tonight. I don't want to ruin it," I tell him. He slowly backs away, but still has his eyes locked on my lips.

"How would us loving each other ruin anything?" He replied.

"You and I both know how far we would go."

"Is that such a terrible thing?"

"No, no. Its just not the right time. I want my first time to be special," I admit sheepishly.

"And this isn't special enough for you? I love you," He planted a kiss on my cheek, "and you love me," He kissed my other cheek, "What else could you want?" He kissed my nose.

"I don't know. It just doesn't feel right," I confessed.

"Mel, please. Do this for me, for us."

"No, Peter. I just told you, I don't want to do tonight."

Peter continued to kiss my neck and I was starting to squirm under his body, but it was pointless. He is stronger than he looks.

"Peter," I whine. "Stop, please stop."

He puts his hands on my long hair as a chain that exposed my neck even more. He pulled off my top, and then his. He looked at my chest with hungry eyes and kissed my collar bone.

"Please, Peter. Don't do this to me. Please." I begged. He quickly pulled away and covered his mouth with one of his hands.

"I am so sorry Mel. I don't know what came over me," Peter laid next to me and laced our fingers. "I just hate thinking about how Sebastian wants you. I don't want you to loose your virginity to him. Then I couldn't stop myself. I had to let you loose it to some one you love."

"I promise you, that we will do this. Just not now. Knowing him, he will want me to love him before he tries anything. I will never love him. I won't let him do anything to me," I told him. Peter some what relaxed, but my heart tightened.

I all of a sudden feel guilty. A small voice was calling to me, You just lied to him. You just lied to Peter. You know that you are capable of loving Sebastain. He was safed you so many times. Whether you like to admit it or not, You love him. Your love for him might not be as strong as your love for Peter, but it can flouirsh into something stronger. I vigoriously shake my head, trying to rid my mind of the thoughts.

"Love, are you okay?" Peter asked and placed a hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb on my temple.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry, it was just a bad thought. I am going to sleep now, okay?"

"Yeah, I'm feeling tired too." Peter told me. He kissed my forehead before I moved my head on his chest and I listened to the beating of his heart. I feel into a deep sleep.

"There you are, love." A familiar british voice called to me.

I ran to find Peter in the darkness. I can hardly see my hand infront of my face. I ran and ran and ran, but felt like I was going nowhere.

"Peter! Where are you?" I called trying to find him.

"Peter? Whose Peter?" The dark voice called. I turned around and saw Sebastian smiling with a candle in his hand.

"Sebastian! What did you do with him!" I cry.

"I did nothing with him, love," Sebastian mimicked Peter's voice.

"What do you want from me?'

"We both know what I want," Sebastian placed the candle on the dark ground and took my hand and pulled them above my head. I already knew that bruises were going appear there soon.

All of a sudden, a wall appeared behind me, and my back slammed against it. Sebastian smiled and the room lightened up with candles everywhere. I saw that I was in a room, simular to the room that Sebastian slept in, in his castle. He started to kiss my neck and with his free hand he played with the hem of my shirt and his hadn tranced shapes on my stomach.

There was a slight warming of my heart, but I quickly threw it out of my mind. The more he kissed me, the more that slight warming turned into a burning flame. I started to melt under his grasp and I felt him smile against my neck. He slowly lifted his lips from my neck to my own lips. I closed my eyes and let the pleasure overtake me.

Sebastian let go of my hands and used it to lift up my shirt. I smiled and pulled him close. He lustfully wrapped his bare arms around my waist and pulled me off of the ground. Our kiss never broke, until Sebastian let go of me to remove our shirts from our bodies. Every touch of his fingers sent me pleasure.

"I knew you loved me," He whispered in my ear, nibbling on his a little. I just giggled and pulled him back to me.

He pushed me on to the bed that was in the room. He hopped on me and kissed my chest from my collar bone to my belly botton leaving sweet love bites as he went. His lips traveled back up to my collar bone. Sebastian twisted his head to that his lips kissed my neck. He soon found my sweet spot.

"Sebastian,'" I moaned.

"Say my name again, louder," Sebastian cooed.

"Sebastian," I moaned again loud.

He looked at me with a soothing smile, and disappeared. Everything disappered.

Peter was sliently asleep next to me when I woke up. My fingers trembled at my lips. It felt so real. That felt so really, but that was impossible. It was a dream, it was just a dream. I rubbed my face to try to clear my mind when I noticed something.

My wrists were harshly bruised.

AHHH! Crazy! RIght? I hope you guys enjoyed! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Comment! I only got like 6 comments :( Please! It lets me know that you like the story!! And Vote! Please Vote! Message me if you want!


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