Secret Benefactor (#2)

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  I rushed out the classroom to the cafeteria. I saw all three girls waving me to come over so I did. We filled Trish in about the letter and decided to go to Mr. Coder now.

We arrived at Mr. Coder office and as usual he is staring at Trish with lust in his eyes, while she is looking at him with desperation. A cough was heard by Trish and Mr. Coder so it broke their stare off. He finally realized other people were in the room then said "How may I help you girls?"

Rosy answered "Well, we want to use a tracking spell on a evelope to see where it came from."

"I'm sorry girls, I cannot help you with anything magic related. That is Ms. Haris's role."

This time Rhea replied "Ok, thank you for your time."

We were all leaving so he continued to look at Trish with hunger, longing and something else. UGH, this is just so romantic.

Trish bit her lip and Mr. Coder took in a very audible inhale of breath.

Trish asked "Are you ok?" Trying her best to keep the smile off her face. He then whispered something to her and she turned red. I could hear what he said clearly while as Rosy and Rhea were already outside. It was: Let's see if your that confident later on.

So they are that far already, DAMN!!! What happened next really shocked me. I'm guessing they didn't know I was still there. Trish just kissed him!!! And I mean one of those passionate kisses. You can see where he is trying to control himself but his blue eyes kept getting darker by the second. I decided it was time to interrupt them and said "I don't mean to break anything here but Trish, aren't we suppose to be going."

They broke their kiss and just as Mr. Coder was about to say something she said "You're right. I'll talk to you later."

With that she walked out and I followed behind her. I'm not gonna ask her what just happened until she's ready.

We arrived at an office that had MS. HARIS on the door. We knocked and went in. She was a fair looking lady with wavy brown hair. She looked really young though. This is how she looked:

We told her we needed a tracking spell and she handed me a big book that had SPELLS written on it

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

We told her we needed a tracking spell and she handed me a big book that had SPELLS written on it. I was really confused because I didn't even know fully if I was a witch. I decided to ask "Umm, what am I miss."

She looked me up and down then said "You're half witch half vampire."

So now I understand why Alec and I are similar. Since he told me what he was I think it's only fair I tell him what I was. Why did it make me excited to see him again?

"One more thing miss, how do you block someone out of your mind?"

"Close your eyes and imagine your in a room. Look to the right and you'll see a door, close it an no one will be able to read your mind." She answered.

"Ok, thank you." I was about to walk out when she said "Wait, Melody was it."

"Yes miss but how do you know my name I don't remember telling you." I stated.

"Melody I suggest you learn to control your powers and learn to fight." She ignored my question. "A evapue is coming up which means people who swore their life to the darkness get double strength and tries to fight out the light. This happens every 10 years. Not many know about this because they will freak out. Please spread the news Melody and friends."

"We will" we all answered in union."When exactly will this happen?" Rhea asked.

"Let's see, this month is July then that means it will happen on September 1st."

"But that's so short. We have to build defensive systems and other things. This is just too crazy." I looked in Rosy's eyes and I saw confidence. Hmmm strange, then she added "Billions offer their life to the darkness and they get on imaginable strength. Now their going to double it."

"Come on Rosy, stop making a scene. It's not that bad. If we join forces-" Trish was cut off rudely.

"No we can't. They hate us and they would rather join forces with darkness." Rosy shouted.

While this was going on I was calculating a strategy to win the darkness. We should start training right away.

"Let us calm down and think through this. Getting all worked up will help nothing so Rosy stop acting like such a brat. If we put our heads together we should be able to think of something." Rhea said.

"I agree. How about we tell head mistress about this?" I joined in on the convo.

Ms. Haris shook her head "We can't. Long time ago our mistress fought against the king of darkness and it ended up in a tie but just before he fell unconscious he casted a spell on her that made her believe darkness never existed so if we go to her she will just think were going suicidal."

"So what does she do on that day?" Trish asked

I didn't fail to notice that Rosy went silent.....maybe I'm just thinking too much.

"She falls into deep sleep and cannot be woken." Ms. Haris answers."As time went by the other magic schools started to rebuke him so he put the same spell on all the magic school mistresses. We are on our own."

"Why tell us this? I mean you could have told Ember." I ask out of curiosity.

"Sadly, Ember is apart of the darkness." Ms. Haris said sorrowfully.

Then it all happened in slow motion. I barely had time to catch on at what just happened.

Rosy started chanting as her eyes turned black then summoned a sword and tried to kill Trish since she was nearest to her. Apparently Trish sensed it because she jumped on the blade and kicked Rosy. Then kick the sword out her hand and jumped down. She chanted (eyes turn white) something and chain started rising out of the ground to trap Rosy but she swiftly dodged it picked up her sword then headed to me. Luckily I was paying attention in magic class. I quickly summoned a sword my eyes going white and stood I a defensive way as she ran to me. She jumped but then was kicked to the side of the room by Trish.

"Go now." Trish growled at us.

Rhea was frozen on spot because Rosy was one of the persons she got along with the most. Then anger took over her. She ran to Rosy at lightening speed and tried to punch her. Adreline took over and I ran to Rhea but it was too late. Rosy dodged her punch chanted a spell (eyes black) which made her hands and feet glow green then punched Rhea knocking her unconscious. I took Rhea up then ran to Ms. Haris and signed for her to follow me.

All along Ms. Haris was hiding under her table. Looool.

I turned to Trish and mouthed dorm to her and she nodded. Then she got back to fighting with Rosy.

I ran outside with Rhea in my hands Ms. Haris right behind me. I stop dead in my tracks as I looked at the two persons in front of me.


Authors note

Hey guys, CLIFF HANGER. Just keeping yall interested. Remember, this is my first book so I will make alot of mistakes even though I'm trying not to.


Xoxo-nila out ✌

Nila dimensions Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora