Wrong turn

19 3 0

  I woke up about 12:30 pm.

Golly, I can't wait to tell Trish yes. Then just as I said that balloons started appearing out of no where.


Anyway time to talk to mom. With that I headed down stairs and saw mom cooking.

MOM WAS COOKING!! Ok something is officially wrong with her. I walked to her slowly, convinced somebody was impersonating her.

But I was wrong. She turned around and flashed me a smile then said "Good Morning, honey. Have a seat, we have things to talk about."

"Ok" I answer timidly.

I sat on one of the stool around the counter so I was directly in front of her.

"Here's some pancakes, syrups are under the counter. Now, yesterday you met Jordan and I just wanted you to know I'm actually sorry I didn't tell you about him earlier. I was just so scared that you will push him away so I realized me not telling you something you had a right to know earlier broke our trust. So I just wanted to say I'm sorry and from now on I will tell you everything." She said.

Now how can some one still be mad after that. ARGH!! Why did I have to be so forgiving.

"Okay, I accept your apology." Now I  feel bad for the way I acted. "And I'm sorry for the way I acted." I choose to add on. But the worst thing is I'm leaving for a new school and she has no idea. MY LIFE OFFICIALLY SUCKS! But if I told her she would probably say I'm going mad or something.

Speaking of new school what time is it.


Ehh. Since I'm in my pjs, I should clean up.

15 minutes later I was down stairs watching one of my favourite animes One Piece.

By the time I was done with that it was 2:20 pm. I quickly looked where my mom was, she was in her room.

I looked on my self in the mirror one more time to see if what what I was wearing was good enough. (I was wearing a purple shorts that complemented my highlights and a black sweater that had YOU GO GIRL written on it with a black sneakers.)

I took a deep breath and headed out. I reached the  restaurant at 3:00 pm on the dot. I quickly surveyed it until I saw Trish stuffing her mouth with pizza. Lol, she really liked pizza.

I quickly walk up to the table and say "Hey Trish, I decided that I'm willing to go to Primasa."

She smiled and said "Mel hey, well first things first."

After she said that her eyes went white and she chanted something in a different language then time stopped, literally. Everyone was frozen. She continued saying something then I saw a image of myself move out of my body. After that everything went back to normal, people started moving again as if nothing happened weird to them.

I then felt some thing tap on my shoulder so I turned around slowly. I saw my clone waving at me then it said "Master, I am pleased to meet you. I am your clone so I have ur judgement on things, your emotions and everything else. Even your clothes." It was then I realized she was wearing every thing I was wearing.

"Well I am really depending on you....." I said akwardly.

"My name is Kylie" She said.

"Well Kylie I'm really depending on you." I took a deep breath then continued "Please take good care of mom. And Jordan because he makes her happy."

"I will. Trishana thank you for creating me." She said thankfully.

"No problem. Mel and I should go now and mel you and Kylie have a mind link so you can talk to her and see what she is doing." Trish said.

She got up and started walking to the door. I waved at Kylie then started following Trish.


Authors note

Hey guys, thanks so much to those who started following me. Big thumps up. My aim is to reach 10 and I am currently at 3, just a little more. I have a surprise for you guys if you help me accomplish my aim. That's all, bye.

Xoxo-nila out ✌

Nila dimensions जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें