Sair part 2: Sucio's Nightmare

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            Zineth fainted, falling asleep as she collapsed on the floor, dragging them into her dream. She opened her eyes and immediately began to heal her leg. “Hee-shi.” She got up and stretched. She began to walk into town and stopped. She looked at Haina. “Welcome to my dreams, or rather, my nightmares, ‘sis. Although, I would suppose you know this already. I’m at quite the disadvantage since you have your knights, but I don’t have mine. And I only know a few spells so far. They’re not very strong as well… But you’re at a disadvantage because you don’t know what other creatures lurk here. Be careful. I’m going to find the exit.” She walked the other direction to get to the main entrance of the city.

            Haina shook her head. “Scyn! Jun! Chase after her and bring her to me now!”

            Jun looked at Scyn, worried for a moment. He nodded and chased after Zineth with Scyn right in front of him. He stopped and knelt down, placing his hand on the ground. His eyes glowed yellow with the marking on his hand glowing. “Lina-shi.

            Zineth stopped running once the ground beneath her feet began shaking. She shook her head once the floor began to open up with a net-like ground as a landing support. She took in a deep breath and quickly jumped up in the air. She faced the floor and made three circles in front of her. She brought her fingers to her lips and blew out air, aiming for the center of the circles. “Wiye-Shi.” She watched the air turn into water that filled the gaps to where she wouldn’t touch the net. She dove into the water and surfaced, coughing. She swam away from them and smiled. “I won’t get caught that easil--”

            “Help! Help,” Haina called, running towards them with four metas,three plintas, and three firas. “Zineth! What are these??”

            Zineth raised an eyebrow. “What are you doing? Use your powers!”

            “I… I can’t! I don’t know how! Zineth, help me!”

            Zineth furrowed her eyebrows, thinking. She looked at her surroundings. “Scyn, I need more magic. Speak to me through my mind to know when I need it. Um, Jun! Use your powers to try to close the net as quickly as possible. Trust me on this. Do it…. Now!” She took in a deep breath and dove back into the water.

            The ground shook once more as the water was getting pushed to the top like a geyser. She swam near the top and rose above the water. She made three circles and quickly exhaled air, aiming towards one of the metas. She flew towards the ground along the water. She rolled onto the ground and coughed. She forced herself up and held her hand out. “Def-ka.” She collapsed on the floor after putting a barrier on Haina.

            Haina stared at Zineth, wondering why she actually saved her. She looked at the monsters that were heading towards Zineth, aggravated. She opened her mouth and found no words form.

            Zineth looked at Haina and smiled, breathing deeply. “Go…Away…Find…Exit… Light.” She reached out and pointed towards the city.

            Haina furrowed her eyebrows. “Jun, cover me.” She ran towards Zineth and touched her hand. “Tapa-Shi.” She closed her eyes, her and Zineth’s bodies began to glow different colors. “Finished…” She fell back and nodded. “It’s a life for a life.”

            Zineth carefully got up and smiled, looking at the creatures. “Get ready because I’m definitely fired up now.” She cracked her knuckles and spread her legs evenly, balancing herself. She took in a breath and made three circles, one inside the other. She brought her fingers to her lips and blew out as she dropped her hand, aiming into the center of the circles. She ran towards the firas, putting water all over them. She watched them turn into ashes and immediately turned to the plintas and metas. She made ran towards them, making three circles. “Fiye-shi!” She blew fire onto two metas and two plintas. She jumped back from them and picked up the branch she used to walk. “Fiye-Shi.” She threw the branch towards the remaining plinta. She blew fire onto the branch and watched the plinta drag the fire onto one of the metas. She looked around for the last meta and sighed in relief when Scyn and Jun killed it. “Move towards the city. I need to purify them, first.” She dragged her feet along the ground to begin forming the circle. She placed her hand on the ground and smiled. “Puri-shi.” She breathed unevenly, watching all of the ashes glow before disappearing.

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