Nortia: Part 2

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            Anix ran over to Zineth. “Geez, troublesome thief, where have you gone to all this time? Do you know how worried we were? What if you were killed without our knowing? We probably wouldn’t be able to find your body knowing you.”

            Zineth smiled. “Thank you for worrying about me… I’m heading over to the cottage early. Just enjoy the rest of the night. I need to sleep.” She walked away from him into the forest and leaned up against the tree, her face flushed. Her body sweat as her vision began to blur. “That dreamer… he did something to me…I--” She collapsed before finishing her sentence.

            A girl shook Zineth gently. “Hey miss, wake up. You should help me with my chores since I’ve saved you. What’s your name?”

            Zineth opened her eyes, sitting up. She stared back at the girl. “Um, I don’t know… do you know who I am?”

            The girl sighed. “No, I don’t know you. Anyways, help me out. I’ve already told my mom about you so don’t worry. They’ll let you stay here for as long as needed. For the meantime, your name will be Kylah. I’m Siima.”

            Zineth smiled and hugged Siima. “Thank you! You’re such a nice stranger, Siima. I’ll do anything to help you. Just name it.”

            Siima thought about and shrugged. “Make sure you won’t regret saying that. I want you to exercise the horses, feed the birds, make up the beds on the second floor, and meet me in the garden before lunch. Let’s get to it.” She handed Zineth a map. “Kylah, don’t get into trouble with the masters of this house. My mom will get scolded. This is an outline of the lot so you don’t get lost. Get dressed in the maid outfit. If anyone asks you why you are here, tell them that you have permission from me.” She walked out of the room to begin the chores.

            Zineth raised an eyebrow. She opened the closet, her eyes widening. “What a cute outfit,” she thought and hugged it, spinning around the room. She quickly changed her clothes and walked out of the room. She pulled out the map and opened it up, walking as she read it. “I should go outside to the barn for the horses, I think.” She walked out of the mansion, finding herself in the garden. She looked at the map, confused. “Ah, I’m lost… What should I do?”

            “Well, you could always just ask for help, miss maid,” chimed a man near her age, smiling down at her. “If you tell me your name, and tell me how we got a new maid then I’ll help you leave this place.”

            Zineth shook her head. “I’m fine on my own, mister stranger. I happen to exactly where I’m going. Also, I wasn’t told whether my name should be announced or not. Please excuse me.”

            The man grabbed her arm and pulled her against him, his arm around her waist. “You know, your hair is very beautiful. Why is it that a girl like you in a place like this? Are you one of my father’s mistress’ daughters? Did you come here as a spy? Are you a thief?”

            Zineth pushed him away from her. “You know, your pretty little face is the only good thing about you so far.” She shook her head, walking around the house.

            The man smiled, following her. “Oh? Do you really think that my face is pretty? Why, thank you. Would you mind telling me your name? Why are you here?”

            Zineth paused and sighed. “If you must know, I have permission from Siima to be here. ’Any objections to that as well?” She raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest.

            The man shrugged, his smile never ceasing to leave. “Not a single complaint. Did she tell you anything about the family living here, or did she leave that to me?”

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