(16) School

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(There is another hidden refrence in here. A refrence to a video.)

Wednesday, April 6th.

     This time I had no issues on the bus, but Miss RBF was eyeing my crutches. I'll have to watch myself.

I went through first period as normal today, and it turns out Miss RBF got detention for tripping me. At least she got a punishment.

I actually made it to second period today!

Second period is Trigonometry with a guy named Mr. Adams. He is a grumpy human man, who seems to dress up a lot. He has blonde hair, a large nose, and sharp blue eyes that send shivers down my spine.

Today he is wearing a brown suit, brown pants, a black undershirt, and black dress shoes. He added a red tie, which is apparently something he never takes off. It has a little bunny stitched on near the bottom. Maybe a gift from a child?

He is strict, and seems to not care that I am in crutches. He rushes me, and gave me extra work for being slow! And I can tell he is racist to the monsters. They have to try especially hard not to give him a reason to punish them.

That class passed by really slowly. Miss RBF still eyed my crutches, with this... Evil look in her eye.

The other classes seemed to pass a lot faster. Before I knew it it was lunch time.

What I saw when I got in their was something I wish to un-see.

Miss RBF has herself draped across Sans, and her shirt pulled down slightly in the front.

The reason it bothered me is because Sans was blushing.

Granted, he also looked uncomfortable, but he wasn't struggling or pulling away.

Miss RBF directly glared at me, with a petty smirk on her face. Honestly, it looked more like a lenny face. I don't know which is more disturbing in this situation.

I ate at another table today.

Next class is Biology, with a teacher named Mr. Cardel. He is a lot nicer then Mr. Adams.

I sit down, and just my luck, Sans takes his seat next to me. I don't feel like talking to him right now.

Well... If I'm gonna talk, might as well guilt trip him, right?

"So, have fun at lunch?" I say, sneering slightly.

It worked. Sans looks guilty, but his other expression makes me falter.

He is blushing again.

He lays his head on the table, and I furiously take notes. If Sans doesn't do something, he isn't going to know what's going on!

"Sans! Are you even listening!" The teacher says.

"sure sir." Sans says. Unbelievable!

Mr. Cardel pinches the bone above his nose.

"Okay then, Sans, how does magic circulate within the human body?"

Oh wow. I don't even remember the answer to that one. But, Sans smiles, and stands up.

"well mr. cardel, contrary to what most of you humans believe, magic circulation within the human body depends less on their soul, and more on the phisicality of their composition. the soul is simply the bare component of power that keeps the circulation of magic running without fault. even after a human has died, magic will still circulate through their body. it will just build up occasionally. so, the circulation of magic in the human body seeps through their skin, and cycles through them like blood, following the veins of small magic created by their soul. the veins act muct like blood veins, except they cycle magic through the soul. if the soul splits, then the magic is simply redirected into the normal blood flow. I deeply apologise for having to correct you."

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