Life and death

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Do you ever think about how fast you could be gone? It takes less than a second for someone to go from alive and well to lifeless and gone. It's scary and you never know when it will happen. But the weird thing is that most of us go on about life and never really thank about it we take death for granted and to me I think that's how we cope with it. We don't want to think about death because it's not a good thing. But we also take life for granted which isn't hard because it's something you don't think about. Say you sit in bed all day vs going out and doing something. You're not intentionally taking life for granted and it's not a bad thing that you say in bed but you don't know what you're missing. We go through life not knowing when it will end and it's weird to think about you could be up and alive having the time of your life and then the next second you're gone and you can't prevent that which yes is very scary but that's life and I mean if you don't live it to its fullest that's in you. But live it enjoy is try new things tell someone you love them take risk have fun  get your name out there become something push limits do that NGOs you've never thought you could do live life as if you were going to die tomorrow because you never know when you'll be gone and once you are no one can change that.

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