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AN: shout out to phychozayn ❤️ for commenting on my first writing! I would have shouted out sooner but I didn't noticed you did till now I'm sorry! Anyway this one is pretty short I had struggles writing it

Do you ever cry so much you become numb? Like your whole body shuts down and you feel nothing you stare a the wall or celling or just anything around you. You know you're breaking and you can't do anything but sit there and let the pain flow through your body. You'll feel numb for a while you fall asleep wake up in the morning  but now you start to fell again your whole body aches like you just ran a Marathon. You look at your self in the mirror you're eyes swollen you're hair ratted make up down your face . You look like hell and the sad part is that you have to make you're self look okay and go out into the world and put on a show. You act like you're not numb anymore or like you never were. But then when it's time to go home and it's night you do the same thing over you come numb and broken just like before. Does it ever end?

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