Judge rant

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AN: Okay I'm not going to rant often because I hate bothering with it but I'm kinda in a bad mode so why not. I'm
Sorry if I offended anyone this is what I believe and I will not down anyone who think differently.

I don't know if it's just me but I believe there's 2 types of judgement/ judging. 1 being something you have to do right away which actually your body does it say you're walking in a sketchy neighborhood or a dark alley something along that line okay so you see a shadow or you actually see a person with in 5 seconds your body decides if that person is a treat or not I call that natural judgmental which can sometimes be wrong but that's something you can't really stop . The 2nd type being when someone is making fun of or assuming something about a person b cause of the way they look or dress etc so say you see a girl and she's heavy set but she's standing by a skinny girl who are you going to judge first? You don't know if that skinny girl is better than the heavy set girl for all you know that skinny girl could be a rude person maybe they both are . We are so quick to judge people and it's crazy because looks race, weight, height, what you wear, how much money you or anything along those lines shouldn't matter you could have the ugliest poorest person but they could be the most kind person you ever meet. We fill our head with such bullshit, we follow what society thinks which is complete crap if you ask me. Are we robots do we listen to everything we are told? We have our own say in anything so why follow something that is so wrong? Just to fit in? Are we that worried about fitting in that we throw all morals out the window? Like come on guys why worry about if you wear a name brand or not, that doesn't make you a different person it's just something you have. Why judge on things that don't really matter and judge on who people are on the inside where it matters.

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