Chapter 9-The Forgotten Place

Depuis le début

Grunt 1: Come on big guy!No one us there!Continue with the patrol.

The Legionare muttered something under its breath and followed them.I sighed.Thank goodness for those two Grunts.I did not want to get noticed yet.

I ran over to the drop to see what they were looking at.It wasn't a drop.It lead deeper into the city.I saw train tracks,Mechs and White Fang and Cabal working down below.

Ghost:We need to worn the city.If the Cabal are this close to the city and are gearing up.....

Y/N:We need to leave.Now.We can't fight all of them alone.

???:Your right,you cant.

I turned around to see the same legionare behind me.I had no idea how a thing that big could sneak up on me.He grabbed me by the neck and laughed.

Legionare: The captain will want to see you.

He punched me in the face and I blacked out.

I woke up chained to a building.I was next to the tracks and the train.A Psion was watching me.He saw me wake up and yelled to another cabal.The Cabal walked over to me.He was definitely a captain.

Captain:Now I know why the Primus asked me to come here

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Captain:Now I know why the Primus asked me to come here.He knew you would appear.

I was silent.

Captain:Who knew the mighty guardian would be so easily captured?Psion!remind me to promote that legionare when we get back to the ship.

The Psion nodded and whispered something.

Captain:You know,your a lot easier to catch then the Primus said you would be.He told me I may lose some soldiers but,it was all worth it.

???:Is this the guy?

I looked over to my left to see Roman Torchwick walking over.He was smiling as he walked.

Torchwick: You know,you've been a real pain in my side along with those girls.I'll be happy to know your leaving very soon.

The Captain showed no emotion.

Captain:Soon is a understatement. I'm leaving with him now.

Torchiwick: Alright then.Are your soldiers staying here or....?

A White Fang member yelled for Torchwick.

Torchwick: Yes?What is it?I'm in a pretty good mood already so if its bad news....

The White Fang threw someone to the floor.It was Ruby.She looked up at Torchwick and then she saw me.I struggled to get out of the chains.The Captain noticed this and laughed.

Captain:Is that a friend of yours?Maybe i'll have her killed right here just to make you suffer.

Torchwick noticed the comment.

Torchwick: No wait a minute I'm not killing your prisoner am I?Besides,I think I deserve some payback on little red.

This made the Cabal captain annoyed.

Captain:Fine.I have my reward take yours.

The captain turned back to me.

Captain:Now,how many ranks do you think i'll get promoted for bringing you in?

We heard a loud explosion in the distance.We all turned to see White Fag running in our direction, and team RWBY running after them.

The Captain turned to Torchwick.

Captain:Your mean are worthless!The humans us Cabal fought had a backbone!

Torchwick: Well,I don't see your guys out there!

The Captain turned to his cabal soldiers

Captain:Guards!Kill those despicable worms.

about six Cabal and White Fang ran at them.

The Captain turned back to me.

Captain:Guardian.Were leaving now.

Just as he said this Ruby jumped on his back. He yelled in anger and frustration as he tried to grab her.


My Ghost appeared and started to break the chains holding me to the wall.The Captain finaly grabbed her and threw her off.

Captain: Psion!Kill this.....creature.

The Psion pulled out his sniper and aimed it at her head.As he was about to shoot,The chains snapped and I pulled out my shotgun and shot it,making it fall to the ground.

Ruby looked at me and nodded.She dashed away toward her team.The Captain was furious.


He pulled out his weapon.A rocket launcher style plasma gun,and shot at me.I doged all the bullet he shot.He angrily fired his gun over and over until he run out of ammo. He threw the gun to the ground in anger.

Captain:NO!Guards kill him!!!

No one came to help.

I looked behind him to see his guards corpses across the floor. team RWBY had taken care of them.

Captain:I have one last trick Human!

He pressed a button on his wrist and a jetpack started to form on his back,he flew onto the train just as it started to move.As the train started to speed up,I tried to get on it.I saw all of team RWBY along with there huntsman get on.Ruby saw me try and stretched her had out for me to grab,I was about to grab it when I felt something behind me me tug on my leg.I turned around to see the Psion that I shotgunned earlier.It screamed and yelled and pulled me to the floor.I looked at the train.It was going to fast.It already entered the tunnel and was on its way. The Psion laughed and fell to the ground.Just as I thought I was safe,I heard growls in the building around me.

The Cabals newest unit,the warhounds,Appeared from inside the buildings. At least twenty.The warhounds were dogs with tough metal aromor forced onto them,bred for war.

The Psion must have called for them.The dogs started to form around me,making a circle as they roared and growled.

Y/N:Ghost,any idea how to get these things away?We need to get back on that train.

Ghost:Well,we do have a super for a reason.

He was right.

The Warhounds jumped at me all at once and I knew only one thing to do.I nova bombed the floor below me.Just as the dogs realized the trap,it was to late.They were sucked into the Nova bomb and there bodies disintegrated.Killing all of them.

I looked back towards the tunnel where the train went off to.

Y/N:How can we catch up to that train?

Ghost:I think I can help with that.

He summoned my sparrow for me.

Y/N:This wont be enough speed.

Ghost: I've made some...improvements.

I jumped on it and started to drive.As I drove,I sped up faster and faster until It started almost flying. We caught up to the train in minutes. I jumped onto the last box car of the train and saw Mechs ahead of me.I started to run from car to car until the car under me exploded.It flew me back a few cars towards the back end of the train.I stood up and realized what was in front of me.A Cabal Colossus poked its head out then pulled itself on top of the car. It laughed.

Ghost:ready for another colossus fight?

Y/N:the last one wasn't that bad.

Ghost: Thats what you said about Oryx.

The colossus charged at me.

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