Alexis leaned over the bed to press her lips to his. "I love you." She said as she pulled back to smile down at him, his attention fully on her. "I'll see you in the morning." She pressed her lips to his once more before getting up.

Landon's hand grabbed her arm, pulling her lips back to his, for a longer kiss. "Happy Valentine's day, my love." He said, her face still close enough to his that she could feel his breath on her cheeks. His eyes conveyed so many emotions as he pulled her down to kiss her again. "Goodnight." He said as he let her go, turning his attention back to the muted screen.

Alexis smiled to herself as she walked from the room, closing the door silently behind her. As she walked down the hallway, the movement of air chilled her bare skin. She padded silently to the living room, turning the corner, she found Dalton sitting patiently on the couch, his eyes studying the champagne glass he held, turning it in his hand. Alexis leaned against the wall, the cool surface pressing against her naked side, as she admired Dalton. He had removed his jacket, and was now sitting lazily with his dress shirt un-tucked and undone, revealing the smooth surface of his abdomen, and a dark trail of hair that led from his belly-button, down, into his dress pants.

"There's my beautiful, patient, husband." Alexis said with a smile. At her words, Dalton noticed her presence, his eyes sweeping respectively over her naked flesh. He raised himself from the couch, setting his glass down on one of the side tables as he made his way over to her. Alexis stayed where she was, only her eyes following his movements to where he now stood directly in front of her, his blue eyes staring down at her. He lifted a hand, his fingers bushing her wet hair from her collarbone, over her shoulder, his eyes watching his hand, as Alexis' eyes stayed trained on his.

"Will you make love to me?" She whispered, leaning in to his touch.

Dalton bent his head forward to brush his lips against the skin his fingers had just touched, Alexis' eyes fluttered closed with the contact, causing her breath to quicken. Dalton removed his lips so his face could hover over hers, Alexis arched her back, turning her face up to his unconsciously, her lips slightly parted.

"There is nothing more I would rather do." Dalton said, his lips brushing hers as his mouth formed the words. As Dalton bent to kiss her, he swept his arm under her legs, lifting her gracefully as his other arm supported her back. Dalton carried her down the hall like this, cradling her to his chest as his lips wandered to hers every few steps.

Dalton pushed the door out of the way, stepping into Alexis' dark room. He walked over to the bed, having the layout to the house memorized, and placed her gently on the bed. The room was completely dark, but Alexis could just make out Dalton's figure as he moved away from her. With a quick flick, the room was brought to life with a dancing flame as Dalton lit a match. He stood over her dresser, carefully lighting the candles that the boys must have placed there before hand. Alexis smiled to herself as she thought about the preparation her men must have gone through. She was sure they must have dressed every corner of the house in case a couple had ended up there.

Dalton blew out the match as his eyes met hers. He had lit every corner of the room, so he closed the door and made his way over to the bed. Dalton brushed his fingertips under Alexis' chin, lifting her face so he could press his lips softly to hers. As he pulled away, Alexis ducked her head to press her lips against the warm skin of his stomach, her lips trailing kisses over the exposed flesh, as her fingertips played across his skin, up over his ribcage, where they left gooseflesh in their wake, over his chest and his shoulders, to slide his shirt down his arms. As the white material fell to the floor, Alexis' hands moved over and around to his lower back, pulling him forward, so her lips had more access to his stomach. Dalton let his head fall back, his eyes closing as his skin prickled with her touch and lips. Dalton lowered himself to wrap an arm around her ribs, lifting, and moving her higher onto the bed. Crawling himself onto the bed after her, his knees framing her body as he centred her onto the pillows, his body coming down to press her into the mattress. He laid himself perfectly so his weight didn't crush her, yet they could feel every part of each other.

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