Please Vote!!!

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Hey guys as I all know you are waiting for the release of the 2nd book in the series I have hit a bit of a stand still due to me not having a computer to work on and my phone is just not working it for me but my parents are buying me one for graduation and I should be able to write here soon but that is not what this update is for though I bet your all wondering.

This is about this year's Watty Awards I have nominated this book for the Fan-Fiction area and I could use all the votes and reads that I can get we are actually almost at 10K so keep it up and spread the word I really hope we place good!! This is all because of you guys and I am super hyped for the 2nd book in the series!!! I am also planning on releasing another series that I am hoping you are all going to love. It is actually dedicated to my younger brother and how much he loves the Power Rangers so I really hope you will all enjoy that.

If you are all fans of Power Rangers any of the past teams let me know down in the comments what was your favorite one! It might be one of the ones in the series I'm calling it the
Bailey Sutterfieldba Series! I crossed my name and my best friends name and that's what I could come up with but so far I have 4 ranger teams and I need opinions as if I should go farther or not so I have Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder, Mystic Force, and Operation Overdrive so far but I might be willing to make it longer if you all want it!!

Thanks Guys and continue voting!!!

The Story-Teller

Trapped In MinecraftNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ