Chapter 7 Secretive Youngmin

Start from the beginning

It's been a week since Youngmin fetched Prexy in the airport secretly. She had to stay in a hotel that Minwoo booked for her in a different name so that Luna won't find out just in case she got very curious and investigate. Since than, Youngmin always come to visit her. He sometimes goes there to inform Prexy about Luna. Sometimes he's just there to chat with her, worrying that she's getting bored. He even prepared chicken adobo, a famous filipino dish, for Prexy, saying she might be missing filipino food because the hotel is serving korean delicacies only.

"I brought you lunch." He smiled sheepishly at Prexy as he took off his cap and shades. That gorgeous smile that he always flashes to his fans also makes Prexy wanna faint.

"You shouldn't have bothered...really. I'm fine..." She managed to reply, looking away so she won't get affected by his smile. Somehow, she avoided showing too much interest towards Youngmin.

"I need to make sire you're fine or Luna will kill me. How could I be careless to her bestfriend when she's out there doing everything for our group." He excused, though his true intention is to see Prexy.

Eversince he met her, he just couldn't explain why he likes talking to her or even just looking at her as she tell stories about her or Luna. What made him more interested is, he knew that Prexy is one of his fans but now that they've known each other personally, she stopped acting like an obsessed fan. There are times that he thought she's not that into him anymore... He doesn't know if he's being challenged by this sudden change of treatment or he's just really starting to feel a romantic affection with Luna's bestfriend. Either situation, Youngmin wanted to fist make sure of his feelings before finally telling the girl to avoid any friendship issues. Besides, they're not allowed to enter a romantic relationship this time.

"I hope she's doing fine. Last time she messaged me in facebook asking why my status said I'm in Korea... Oh, I'm sooo guilty.. I lied to her. I had to tell her it's just a fancy facebook trick that kpop fans found out and I just tried it." She told Youngmin who sighed in relief

The two of them exchanged stories about Luna getting curious on Youngmin's mysterious escapes and Prexy's cover up on her whereabouts.

"Few more days and we'll end this whole cover up thingy. Just bear with me Prexy." Youngmin convinced. He knew that all of them are being pressured.

"It's okay. The thing is, we'll make Luna happy. What worries me is that you should focus on your practice more. I'm grateful you're concern about me me but I don't want to be blamed when you screw up on stage." She frankly said.

Both of them fell in awkward silence. Prexy realized that she sounded mean. Youngmin, being the prideful guy, thought he's indirectly being rejected... Girls are dying to be spend just a second with him but here is a girl who wanted him to practice instead of accompanying her. That is one rare rejection.

"Hey, I found some english cds here..." She awkward turned the player on higher volume to avoid the tension. Maybe she can divert the topic to the songs instead.

Fate doesn't seem to be on Prexy's side this time because the song made them even more awkward.

"They don't know about the things we do... They don't know about the I-love-you's... But i bet you if they only knew....they would just be jealous of us...they don't know about the up-all-night...they don't know I've waited all my life...they don't know about us..." Goes the song that made them uncomfortable on their seats.

"Uhm... I have to go now..." Youngmin couldn't take it anymore. He had to escape from such awkward situation. "I told Luna I'll just take a quick shower on our studio's wash room."

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