Chapter 1 Part 2 - Friends

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We arrived at the coffee shop in no time. "Two cappuccino please."

"Look! It's Minho!"

"Yeah, you're right! Who is he with?"

"Is she his new girlfriend?"

"Probably. They're together. But to date a girl like that? Ew!"

"..." I should've never agreed with this.. I wanted to tell them we're on a date, but I found myself silent. They're right. Why would he date a girl like me? I mean, it must have been a misunderstanding. Maybe this wasn't really a date..

"What's wrong?" he asks, returning back to his seat to wait the order.

"It's nothing."

"Here you are sir, two cappuccinos. Would that be everything sir?" the waiter brought up our orders in a nick of time.

"That would be all, thank you." Minho said, smiling. The waiter smiled back.

"Thank you, sir."

We sat next to each other, chatting. "Are you worried?" huh? Worried about what? "I'm not as stupid as people think of me. I'm completely aware. Don't let them get through you. We're friends, that's why were going out. Like you said, I need to relax once in a while. And I need someone to vent on." I knew it.. it was a friendly date after all. I smiled at him as he smiled at me.

"Yes, I did say that."

After chatting for an hour, we decided to go onto the rooftop to feel the breeze. It was already night before we realized. I closed my eyes as the wind was blowing through my hair. It feels nice.. I haven't felt anything like it since ages. "I enjoy doing normal things like this. Besides doing sitcoms.. nothing's normal for me."

"I can see that you're really exhausted from your work." I already opened my eyes. Looking at him, I can feel that he's troubled. But his gaze, it's different from before. He's been looking at the stars all this time. "Are you okay?"

"Yes.." he closed his eyes and smiled.

"Sure... you are..." a fake smile. I wonder what he's thinking..

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

"Huh? Don't be silly!" I mean, he's joking, right? "What's silly about it?" he furrowed his brows. He was serious.

"A celebrity like you.. will walk along with a nobody to their house.. heh, feels strange."

"You're not a nobody. And.. we're friends now, right?" I can't believe he'd look up on me as a friend. We just met hours ago.

"..guess so." I should be happy, right? But it doesn't seem like it. I mean, your bias is already treating you as a friend.. you should be glad, right?

"Well, are you saying that it's okay if I walk you home?" I nodded, giving a faint smile. "I'm glad." He smiled. It's not the fake smile like earlier.

"Me too." am I really?..


"About the "friends" thing." I said, emphasizing the 'friends'.


"I can't believe I'm with friends with you. ♥" I smiled happily at him.


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