Chapter 1 Part 1 - How I Met My Bias

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[ A/N: I've always loved Choi Minho and Choi Jin Ri (Sulli)! This my first time creating a story about them. Hope you'll like it! ]


Sulli: I'm sorry I pretended...

Minho: .....


It all started on a rainy afternoon. I was walking. *SIGH* "I really wanted to see Minho, but... how?"

I saw a TV and Minho was on it.

[ Reporter on TV: Choi Minho wasn't able to perform due to this rainy afternoon. But he's taking autograph's for his fans right now. ]

I gasped. "He really is taking autographs'..." I started running fast, then stopped. "Wait.. I don't know where it is." I looked up in the sky, again, hoping that I could find an answer. And that was when I saw a poster. "He's right here." I was all teary, I wanted to shout, but I couldn't. I was all quiet.

I went inside the place where the poster led me to, ...I just felt disappointed. "He's already gone." I sighed deeply. Even just a glimpse.. I'd be really happy.

I was about to leave...

"Excuse me? May I help you with something?" That voice... it felt like a dream. Is it really him? I slowly turned, just to face the person speaking to me. My eyes quickly  widened.

"M-Minho?!?" He smiled. Oh, god. He smiled to me?!

"Yes? What can I help you with?" I was completely dumbfounded.

"Minho... I can't believe Minho's here..." I was about to cry, but he smiled at me. "Huh?" It was the only word that escaped from my lips. I held my chest. I was about to burst. I was red, both ears. I was happy deep inside. I know I said I'd be happy with only a glimpse, but.. 

"Normally, girls would shout and scream when they see me. I'm surprised you weren't like that." he said, still smiling at me.

"I.. I--" I would like to say that I wouldn't be like this if it weren't for his presence. It's as if I was glued onto the floor when he's near me.

"Girls also act like that in confessions, but you're a different case, right?" he asked seriously.

"Y-Yes." he must have hated girls who screams and shouts loudly. I guess.. because it's tough dealing with crowds. Most stars confessed that they don't like rowdy crowds.

"Really. Tired. It's tough trying to act all okay in front of people.." he was still smiling while saying those words. He lowered his head as I stepped forward. My body was moving itself. And before I realized it, I was cupping his face onto my hands. His eyes narrowed as he looked at me. I felt embarrassed, somehow.

"..." we were both quiet, just staring at each other. I'm blushing but, I just had to say it.

"You're much nicer in person, Minho. Even though you're tired, and not much of a crowd-person, you'd still do everything just to make your fans happy. So, when you're already tired, don't act like you're not, try to be yourself when you're with your fans, just like right now. Right now.. you're being honest with one of your fans. And I'm very happy about it!" I smiled, returning his smile back. "Everyone needs a little nice break every once in a while. Don't be too hard on yourself." his tears fell.

"T-Thank you.. for that. I'd like to thank you."

"!" he hugged me out of the blue. I began to blush. "Um.."

"Can we stay like this for a little longer? Just..a little..longer." he hugged me more, but this time, it was gentle. I nodded towards him. It was a warm feeling, that hug. I'll be honest, when he let go of me, it was kind of.. painful. "I'm sorry for hugging you so suddenly.." I replied with a smile.

"B-By the way... what's your name?" he asked my name. I wasn't expecting him to ask my name.

"I-I'm Choi Sulli. You can just call me 'Sulli'."

"Well then.. Sulli." My heart started thumping loudly. Just by saying my name.. he could move my heart. "You have a beautiful name." he smiled again.

W-Wait, he thinks my name is beautiful? "T-Thank you." I was all speechless again. He's speechless too, maybe? I wonder if he also thinks that way..

"S-So um, what can I help you with?"

This is it, Sulli. Your chance to take a picture with him and get his autograph. "Um.. can I take a picture with you? And an autograph too.. if.. if that's possible."

I asked hesitantly. He chuckled, and said, "You said some things to me to make me feel better. This is the least thing that I can do for you."

"Thank you, Minho." I bowed and I didn't look at his face anymore. "You're welcome."

"I-I'm sorry, but I have to go now.. bye!" I tried my hardest to say goodbye. But I don't really wanna go. Please, I know I'm being selfish, but I wish I could stay with him for a little while longer! But.. then again, he's a busy person. A fan like me doesn't have anything to do with him..

I was going to leave, but Minho grabbed my hand. My heart skipped a beat. W-Why? Why did he stop me from going? "W-Wait!" I looked at his hand. He looked at my hand too, and carefully uttered it. "I-I'm sorry..." he apologized.

"I-It's okay... I'll be going now. Take care, Minho. It was nice seeing you."

"I-I'm the only one here! Everyone left... c-can you... can you go out with me?!" I looked at him to see if he's joking. But his eyes were dead serious. I-Is he.. asking me out on a date?


"I-It's okay if you don't want to.."

"No.. I'd love to!" I was completely red but I managed to beam him with a smile.

"R-Really?! I'm happy!" I was really surprised. He was even happy, just like me. I nodded.

"Me too."

"Where are we going?" I managed to ask.

"Just to get some coffee. I haven't gone to a cafe since.. well.. years ago." his cheerfulness went dead after saying that. I should really continue along. After all, this is a date! 

"G-Good idea! It's really cold today. And a good hot cup of coffee would be nice to lessen the coldness, right?" I smiled widely and he smiled back, letting his dimples out. How cute!

He took out this umbrella. "Here. We can share my umbrella."

"Okay!" I said, happily walking beside him.

I am one super lucky fan girl!


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