Chapter 3

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Today was going to be a good day. I woke up and Keith wasn't next to me so i was a little upset. Why didn't he tell me he was going to leave. But as i was thinking that i smelled food downstairs so i figured he was cooking.

Keith was sweet and fine , but i just wasn't ready i had so many boyfriends that didnt know how to treat me. I wanted to give Keith a chance but i was scared.

I went to the bathroom and do my daily hygiene.

Then I went downstairs and i  saw keith putting eggs on a plate.

"Good morning beautiful. " Keith says as he flashes me a smile.

"Hey keith" I say to him as i scratch my head.

"I made you breakfast here you go" Keith hands me the plate and i see waffles and sausage and eggs. I eat.

"Dang keith this is really good." I tell him as i stuff my mouth.

He laughs . " Thanks keisha my mom taught me how to cook a long time ago."

"Well thanks keith i really appreciate it." I say as i kiss him on the cheek

He looks shocked.

"Hey don't think that means we're getting together i just appreciate it." I tell him .

"You got it." Keith says as he smirks


"Keith what the hell you doing here?" I ask him.

"I slept over with keisha " keith tells me .

" Oh really ? Was yall fucking?"

Keisha jumps in.

"Woody you always think someone fucking we just chilled,  thats it."

"Mhm" i say with a smirk

Keith laughs

"Yall trying to go to this club tonight? I ask them.

"Yeah im down "Keith says.

"Uhh i don't know that might not be so good for me " Keisha  says.

"Stop being a wimp" i tell her.

"Im not going." Keisha says.

"Pleasee pleaseee please. " i pout.

"Im not going if you don't go." Keith says.

"Ughhh Fine I'll go." Keisha says

"Yessssss be ready by eight. "I tell them and i head back upstairs.


"Do you really want to go?" I ask Keisha.

"Ehhh sure it'll probably be fun." Keisha says.

"Okay good im staying with you for a while until i feel likd going home to go get dressed." I tell Keisha

Keisha : "Fine "

We go upstairs in her room and she shuts the door.

"You know keith I've been thinking we should do this." Keisha says with a smirk.

"Do what ?" I ask .

"You know" she says as she starts taking off her shirt.

"Are you serious? " i ask.

"Nah i was just teasing you." She puts back on her shirt and opens the door.

"Man come on don't play like that , i was ready." I said .

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