IX - burn the evidence

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"Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love..."


The mansion was crowded, as per usual.  The dark lighting would make it difficult for any mortal to see in, but when you're a vampire, it's quite easy to make out the minute details.  There were even more vampires than usual, which caught Gerard by surprise.  Many covens had been dwindling away from the Ordinem over the past century, but today was definitely a full house, all covens present. There was an air of excitement among the blood thirsty creatures, a feeling that unnerved Gerard to his core.  Something was going on, and it seemed that everyone but him knew exactly what.

Gerard stepped up to his seat on the stage like platform at the front of the hall.  He wasn't the last one to be seated this time, but he was still one of the strays, which meant there were a lot of red eyes staring at him. He too, was using his red eyes, but he wasn't accustomed to seeing them staring back at him.  He doubted he ever would be.

Within a few minutes, the final few leaders, including Pete, arrived to the stage and took their places.  The crowd hushed, the low murmur of voices dissipating into the atmosphere as Pete stood front and center, ready to address his audience.

"My fellow Vampires," he spoke, voice loud, clear, and authoritative.  "Months ago, we discovered that the treaty between Slayers and Vampire Kind had been violated by a lone Slayer, and no ordinary one at that.  A female who possessed the traits of a Slayer, an impossibility.  She disappeared after being seen, and for many months, our best hunters and trackers have been attempting to trace her so she can pay the price for violating our agreement.

"However, our findings led to a much more startling realization." Pete paused, gazing out at the crowd of curious faces. "It's seems our mysterious Slayer was not alone that night. Her escape was aided by a Vampire."

A collective gasp filled the room and Gerard though he might collapse of shock. Did they know it was him? No, they couldn't know. They would've arrested him by now had they known, which means they're waiting. This was a test, they're trying to find out just who of them had betrayed the Ordinem.

"Who?" Someone called out. Pete shook his head.

"Unfortunately, that is why we have called this meeting. As you should all know, vampires can't tell the difference amongst each other by scent. We know that a Vampire other than myself was present that night in the alley, but we don't know who. They did a marvelous job at masking the Slayer's scent, and up until this point, it had been impossible to trace the girl because of it.  Until now."

The words held immense weight, and Gerard felt himself involuntarily tense up.  Had they truly found a way to get her?  Was Nyxia in danger?  The thought terrified him.  He didn't want to know what they'd do to her when they caught her.  His job was to make sure she was safe, and that could be in jeopardy.

"You all have been called here," Pete continued, "to bear witness to her capture, and when we have the Slayer in our grasps, she will tell us who helped her, or be ripped apart limb by limb."

Gerard felt like someone had dumped ice water into his veins, not out of fear for himself, but for her.  She'd likely deny telling them who helped her, and the thought of Nyxia being killed in such a way sent the worst kind of shivers down his spine.  He couldn't leave to go save her, it would be too noticeable, with him being a coven leader. 

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