Chapter Five : Exam and Surprise

Start from the beginning

I sit down and have too do a double take. I SIT BEHIND FREAKIN MAX CARSON?! Wow I'm already dreading this day and now I'm dreading it even more.

The teachers gave everyone if the front row paper to give to the people behind them. Now I'm gonna have to actually deal with freakin Max. Turning to hand me the paper Max looks shocked and says "Denia , why have you been ignoring me and my calls and text?!"

Grabbing my paper from his hand I say "Maybe because you're the jerk that set me up?!" I whisper\shout. I feel good after saying that too his face.
"Thank God, first of exam week is over that was torture!" Jen yells happy. I couldn't agree more.

"I feel the same way." Chad laughs taking my hand. We aren't dating but we kinda know how one another feels about the other.

Toby is smirking and nudges at Jen to look. "Well look Max and Joey , it's the Wannabe's." Dan laughs.

Great , now they are gonna give us crap. "Yeah and look Chad thinks Denia is his? Nah , see Chad that's Max's girl." Joey talks to Chad as if he's a kid and I'm a dog.

"I'll have you know I'm never going too be his." I answer referring to Max. "That's not what happened at the date." Max says.

Did he really just say that?! At this point I could tell Chad and Toby were getting hella mad. "Dean , I suggest you leave before this gets worse."

Toby cracking his knuckles. "Ha ha he thinks he is scary!" Dan says punching Joey playfully. "Look y'all should leave, we weren't even bothering you." Jen says angrily.

I turn to them and nod letting go of Chad's hand to fold my arms. "Denia, give me another chance that's all I am asking for." Max says with pleading eyes.

Ugh , those eyes are just so pretty. Wait, no Denia Ellie those eyes aren't what they seem. "No , you're wasting your time!" I shout.

Our group starts walking to all our cars. Suddenly Toby walks back to Dan , and does the unthinkable. All I see is Toby swing his fist at Dan and watching as Dan ends up in the ground.

I see Jen and Chad running too get Tony , and we all take off in Chad's black Jeep.
                        (In Chad's Jeep)
"Baby , what the heck were you thinking?! You just punch Dan Phillips in the freaking face!" Jen was freaking out.

Toby had his fist in his hand because it was hurting after the punch to Dan's face. "Jen , just don't worry about it. It's over." Toby answers putting an arm around her shoulders.

Toby and Jen are seated in the back while Chad and I are in the front. "Denia , want me too take you home? Russell said they need to talk to you." Chad says serious.

I nod my head and hold his hand. Falling for your bestfriend isn't an everyday thing. We listen to the song "Watching You" By Rodney Atkins , all four of us sang it and laughed together.

Sadly , we pulled up to my house and I said "Well I'll see you guys tomorrow , love yah!" And they all said the same back , I kissed Chad on the cheek and hugged Jen and Toby.

Now too see what's happening at home , I'm worried it's something bad. Walking in the front door I see my Social Worker: Lara, sitting with Russell and Sasha.

Oh , I didn't think I was gonna be moving tonight I should probably go upstairs. "Hey Denia , where are you going?" Laura calls me from the third step.

"Um , packing since that other family wants me." I feel my eyes getting ready to cry. The look on Laura's face was reassure as she laughed "No forget about that,  come here we need to talk."

Sitting between Russell and Sasha,  they are both smiling at me. Why are they smiling? What's going on? I'm so nervous I can't keep my legs still.

"Denia, Russell and Sasha want to adopt you." Laura says gleefully. What they wanna ADOPT ME?! "Are you serious?!Please tell me you are!" I can't hold back my shock and happiness.

Sasha nods "Yes Denia,  we wanted to surprise you!" Getting up from the couch I hug Laura , Russell and Sasha. This is honestly the best day of my life.

I don't have to be constantly moved to different family's anymore! Oh yeah uh huh alright , so happppyyyyy!!!

 I don't have to be constantly moved to different family's anymore! Oh yeah uh huh alright , so happppyyyyy!!!

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