Chapter 14

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I was too anxious so I updated today, but I'll still update tomorrow :)

Chapter 14


*The Next Morning* 

I woke up early to my surprise my parents were already awake and dressed. I smelled food and I was very hungry. I walked downstairs and heard my parents whispering, my mother saw me and stopped talking. 

"Your breakfast is in the mircowave"

"Ok, thanks oh hey Ricky"

"Hey Jomy"

I sat down and started to dig in but suddenly my father was looking at me with a somber expression.

"What's wrong dad?"

"Nothing Jomiette just know everything that your mother and I do is for your best interest and that we love you"

My mom just walked out the kitchen and my dad kissed my forehead and followed my mother. I finish ate and headed back upstairs to get ready for the doctors. I took care of my hygiene situation and dressed in a black muscle shirt and blue jeans with the playoffs and a snap back. As I was wrapping up my outfit  my mom announced. (A/N; outfit to the side)

"We're leaving in 10 mins. your brother still has to go to school", my mom yelled.

I  was done and went to my bed to grab my phone only to remember that my mom took it. I went downstairs to watch some Tv until it was time. Ricky was already  watching something, so I was just watching whatever he had on. 

"Why does everyone seem so tense and why aren't you going to school, that's not fair"

"I'll tell you when you come home"


My father came down and we headed to the car.

"Where's mom?", I asked my dad.

"She's going to meet us at the doctor"

"Ok", I felt something was wierd but ignored it.

We dropped off Ricky and headed to Boriquen clinic. We went on the OBGYN floor and I signed in. Twenty minutes of waiting my mom finally showed up. A little while after they called me and we headed inside. The doctor did the regular routine.

"What brings you guys here today?", Dr.Rose asked.

"She's pregnant", my mom said with venom in her voice

"Ok, how old are you?", she asked next.

"I'm 17 years old"

"Mhmm Ok, well pee in this cup and bring it to the lab"


After that we had to wait again a while later I was called again. 

"Jomiette Lopez"

We got up and went into the room again.

"You are indeed pregnant, so lay on the table and let me get a look"

I did as told she placed the gel on my stomach and scan my belly with the ultrasound thing.

"Well yup there seems to be a baby in there"

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