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Mizo's POV

So Sasuke had just dropped Okami off and left. Benji had woken me up first that way I knew what was going on. So as of right now Sasuke and Naruto were probably getting it on in their room while I was here alone with Okami. Benji had to go and restock the ship's supply. I was sitting on my bed with this small little cub. He had his little fist in his mouth and drooling all over it. His eyes were bright blue, maybe brighter than Naruto's. His skin was a little paler than Naruto but he was still tan, it was smooth and free of any scratches. That was a bit shocking since his parents had went through almost everything to get this little bundle. He gurgled and waved his drooled on hand around, I smiled down at him. I sat down on the sheets gently and poked his tummy softly, in return he was smiling and turning to his sides.The door to the bedroom was opened and Benji came in with two bowls of breakfast. I smiled at him and set our pillows around Okami to make sure he didn't role around and fall off. Benji handed me a bowl and sat behind me on the bed. We ate silently since there really wasn't much to talk about.

Ever since my sister had died I wasn't social as much as I used to be, and Benji and I fought to much over the smallest thing. Benji and I really didn't want to talk after our baby was gone. We had taken about two weeks and stayed away from each other. I was still antisocial and distant for a while after but Benji had purposed and we got married soon after. I was happy but I wanted Kobra to be my maid of honor. I had cried after. Benji on the other hand that day was really kind and patient. He spoiled me untl I would smile or get annoyed by it.I'm glad that Benji is mine and I love him for it. I set my half empty bowl on the night stand on my side of the bed and just stared at Okami. Benji noticed and pulled me close into a hug. I relaxed into it as I felt my heart tightening and hurting. Okami was sucking on his other hand now while his previous drooled hand was holding his right foot toe. He was so cute I just wanted to hug him. He wasn't mine to do anything with so I had to restrain myself from doing so.

"Mimi,we could..try again.."Benji said into my hair.

I pulled away from his embrace and looked at him over my shoulder. Benji was blushing lightly, when he blushed it was like seeing the meanest man on earth falling love. I smiled at him, I leaned forward and planeted a kiss on his lips. Okami gurgled but I swear it sounded like a little giggle. I turned to him and wondered if he needed to get his diaper changed or fed.  Benji took Okami into his arms and spun around in the room with him, Okami was laughing and waving his little arms and legs around screaming with joy. I smiled and laid against the head board of the bed. Benji was giving Okami some raspberries on his tummy. I giggled and covered my mouth since it was surprising to actually be smiling and laughing. Benji laughed also and set Okami back between our pillows. Okami ws waving his arms about as Benji took up our dishes. I thanked him bringing the meal and blew him a kiss which he caught and held against his heart. I giggled and waved him out. I laid next to Okami and shut my eyes for a small moment. I daydreamed of the child I would have had, a girl. I thought of the way she would look, like Benji with my nose and maybe hair. Eyes dark and round like Benji's, I thought of her having my lips also. I sighed and sat up as the door opened.

Sasuke had came in smiling and mostly just happy with himself. I smiled at him as he took Okami off the bed. Okami automatically wrapped his small arms around Sasuke's neck. He cuddled into Sasuke's chest as though he knew who he was. Sasuke rocked him and kissed his head. Benji came in with a limping Naruto. Sasuke brust into a fit of laughter, Naruto glared at him. Benji helped Naruto inside then came over to me. Sasuke handed Okami over to Naruto who gladly took his joy, Sasuke kissed Naruto's head and smiled at him. I cuddled into Benji's side just as Sasuke turned to us with a serious face. I felt Benji straighten up a bit as he held me.

"So I have come to the conclusion that...I will stop looking for treasure.."Sasuke said sounding unsure of himself.

Naruto cleared his throat behind him and poked his back, I smiled at the little gesture. Sasuke looked back at him with sad eyes but I didn't think of it as anything big. Sasuke sighed and looked back at us.

"I am going to split my treasure between everyone, I'll still be living on this ship. I would like to tell the both of you that you are free to leave if and when we dock on the main planet. " Sasuke said sounding unsure of his words.

Benji and I looked at each other as though Sasuke was stupid and playing a prank on us. Naruto handed Okami to Sasuke andclasped his hands together.

"He isn't joking, I had to convince him enough to make him thank you all for this." Naruto smiled with a light blush.

"So you had to 'convince' Sasuke that why you're limping?" Benji joked.

Naruto blushed and looked down at the floor. I laughed and pulled the covers over my legs. Benji laughed along with me as Sasuke smirked and Naruto's face turned into a beet.Okami was leaning out of Sasuke's arms toward Naruto who noticed and took him. Sasuke cleared his throat and straightened his shirt. I pulled the pillows back to the head board and laid down. For some reason I get very tired more often than I should. Benji laid down next to me for his usal nap as we waited for Sasuke to finish up.

"I'm giving you two most of my treasure, considering you have been a lot of hlep with the two of us. So that's it, oh and Benji i need you to infor everyone else tomorrow morning then head out to the meeting."Sasuke said and turned to leave.

Benji nodded and pulled the covers higer up until our heads were the only thing visible. Naruto stayed where he was smiling and messing with Okami.  He noticed Sasuke leaving and jumped to his feet to follow.

"Thanks again you two!! Hope everything turns out alright." He called out as he shut the door behind him.

I sighed and poke Benji's side. He twitched and poked me back, I smiled and poked him harder. We continued this for a few more minutes before I got irritated and pintched him. Benji jumped and looked at as though I had hurt him more than I really did. 

"We could try again, after we find our own home."I said before kissing his head and shutting my eyes.

Benni sat up so quick I thought he'd go through the roof and end up on the deck. I rolled over as he was about to open his mouth.

"Don't get too excited." I yawned.

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