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Naruto's POV

Sasuke had left me without hearing my answer. I followed him out to the area with people walking around. He looked lost and angry. I followed him until he looked over the ship's side and almost jumped haadn't it been for a crew emmber warning him about the daners of a storm coming. I walked up to him slowly. He turned hearing my steps. I lifted an eyebrow as he walked away.I follwed him all over the ship. I wondered why he wasn't as happy as Benji.Mizo and I were . Didn't the time at that cave take away his problems? Hell I didn't even care that Sasuke left me or the fact that I couldn't make kids anymore. I thought as he went back into the room in search of something.I stood by the door watching him.He found what he needed ,his sword, ad pushed by me.

"Sasuke! Sasuke,wait!"I called out to him,he ignored me so I pulled him back.

His eyes were now totally filled with anger and were changing into his mark,the Sharingan. I knew of it but didn't care at the moment since he was acting strange. I held him against the wall knowing he could push away at anytime. I stared into those eyes in search of some meaning to his actions. There was a small flash f silver in his eyes then they were back to being crimson.I moved aside as he walked away.What's wrong with him? Did something happen last night that I wasn't awake for?I don't know what that flash of silver was either,did Sasuke have-no that couldn't be. I thought. I ran out the room. Sasuke was heading toward the lower part of the ship than decided against it. I decided to go there instead knowing he would try to use one of the smaller ships to leave. As I walked over to the stiars that led to the lower part of the ship were the canons and other things were located. I heard someone yelling but I ignored them thinking it was just a normal dumb crew memeber.

"Naruto!"A feminince voice called out.

I turned and found Mizo panting at the top of the stairs. I smiled to her as she came down quickly.

"What are you doing? You're not suppose to be down there...there are some weirdos on this ship that work down there."She whispered.

I shook my head and turned back toward the remaining stairs,"I have to beat Sasuke to the smaller ships...somethings wrong with him and I know he's going to ry and get off this one without being noticed."I answered and started back down.

Mizo pulled me back up t her and placed something small into my hands. It was cold and metalic,I glanced down at it.It was a small pocket knife. I smiled at Mizo and thanked her before going down. The air around me started to get thicker than it wsa in the cafeteria,I could barely breath and the air had a strong scent of burning coal and wood. I covered my mouth and nose with my hands and walked around until I found the ships. There were sweaty heavy giant men looking me up and down as I walked to the closest ship and hid inside. I peeked and saw Sasuke throw a bag inside close to where I was. He had his sword and other weapons tied to his waist. he came in after all his supply was in. The ship was powered in and the flooring underneath started to open slowly.I covered my face again and just waited for us to get going. I could hear Sasuke talking quietly to himself so I held the cloth like material covering me away just a bit.

"What if I don't get there quick enough and Itachi kills him? What would Naruto think of me?" he asked aloud then started to turn the ship around.

I sat back and thought if what he had just said, Did Sasuke know something I didn't or did I just think Sasuke had something wrong with him. I thought as I sighed quietly and got comfortable fir the ride. Sasuke made lots if noise as the ship took its course. Soon it got quiet and the sound of Sasuke mumbling to himself could be heard. I accidentally kicked at something making a loud clang, the cloth of the life jacket box was pulled and I was revealed. Sasuke's eyes stared down at me then he sighed. I was helped out and stood facing him. Sasuke didn't say anything as he sat on the bench the ship had. I sat down next to him shyly and looked down at my clasped hands.

"What are you doing here?" Sasuke said.

I didn't answer him. He sighed and took one of my hands in his and held it tight. I just sat there letting him do what he wanted as the wind blew. I shivered and cuddled up to his side. Sasuke draped an arm around my shoulders and held me closer. We sat like this for a bit until there was a beeping noise coming from the end part of the ship. Sasuke stood and withdrew his sword. Something jumped out and landed inside Sasuke held his sword out to threaten it. I watched as the creature like thing started to come closer, I screamed out when it lashed out at me.Sasuke cut its hand off making it cry out and fall down with a bleeding limb. Sasuke then held the point of his blade under its chin and slashed. The thing cried out and slowly died. As Sasuke watched the oozing liquid spread around the area I stood and moved farther away.Sasuke picked the creature up and threw it over the side. Something opened on the floor and the remaining blood dripped out, Sasuke grabbed something from his pocket and wiped at the blood and let the rag fall too.

Sasuke gestured for me to come back so I did and was pulled in close.

"What was that?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around Sasuke's neck.

"An undeveloped alien. " Sasuke answered

I was pulled down and sat on the bench again. We pulled away and stared out to the endless space. There were lots more stars then back on our home planet. I sighed and rested my head on Sasuke's shoulder. The wind blew again and that same strange feeling that came with the cave we went to rushed into my lungs. I shut my eyes and let it take my problems away. Sasuke sighed and just relaxed. I cuddled closer as the wind picked up. I shut my eyes and let myself be taken away by sleep. Then the thought of what I was going to do with Sasuke came to me, I blushed and giggled. Sasuke turned his head down yo look at me then smiled as though he read my thoughts. I opened my mouth to say something then decided against it. I felt Sasuke's hand trail up my shirt and sooth small circles on my skin. I shut my eyes again and pruned then when I heard Sasuke laughing. I looked up at him and stared, he waved his hand and continued to laugh. I smiled enjoying the sound of his laughter. It's been too long since I heard it. I slowly started to laugh with him even though I didn't have a reason to. The planets around us started to change colors. They were changing from red to orange and yellow. Sasuke ignored them like they weren't special. I stared amazed by all of it.The stars shown brighter as the sun dimmed in the solar system.

"Don't get too attached to the color." Sasuke whispered.

I turned to him,"Why not?" I asked.

"They'll want to pull you in." Sasuke answered.

I turned away from the planets quickly and looked down at my pants.

"By the way the baby is...." Sasuke started to say.

eating ice cream brb letting stupid sis on ugh i hate her >_> this is y i dont support her wattpad except for my little sister shes awesome

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