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Sasuke's POV

Do you ever wonder if you've made the right choice? If so then you know how I feel. Ever since I left Naruto back on that planet and took the treasure instead I have been regretting it. I don't seem to enjoy having all this money and jewels. I wish I could go back in time and choose Naruto over the treasure. I just want him back but if I do go he will probably want to kill me since its been over two months already. I wasn't thinking about nothing as important as a pregnant Naruto when my brother offered his treasures. I shook my head and laid back on the bed I was sitting on. The silk sheets reminded me of Naruto and how soft his skin and lips felt against me. I rested an arm over my forehead and groaned as my chest started to hurt again. This pain always came when I thought of the blonde who had taken hold of my cold heart. I hated the feeling and thoughts that reminded me of him. I rolled over and screamed into the sheets when the door to my bedroom was opened. Mizoruya stepped in with her head down. She was different also. She wore dark clothing and wore dark make up and didn't speak as much as she used too. Benji,her husband, had tried everything to get her to be herself again. She only smiled when Benji purposes to her and when she said I do. Seeing her sister die in front of her took the greatest toll on her. I quickly sat up and waited for her to speak.

"Dinner is ready... you should eat." She said and turned around to leave.

I called out to her, she stopped but didn't turn. I stood up and pulled her into a much needed hug. Benji had walked in and waited. I smelled my favorite dish that the chef would make every Tuesday.Mizoruya walked to Benji and they left quietly. Benji changed also. He was still talkative but when it came to Mizo he got defensive and glared at anyone that wasn't me or a teddy bear. He also started to wear dark colors. I sighed and sat back on the bed not caring that my stomach was growling for food. I had lost a lot of weight over the two months. I used to be the healthiest alien on my ship but now I didn't even look like myself.i must have changed also. I stopped eating and sleeping. I stopped working out and searching for treasure. I just stopped everything I did before I met an fell in love with the blonde. I didn't dare say his name in my thoughts or aloud knowing I couldn't handle it. I laid back again and resumed my depressed position. There was a knock at my door, I didn't bother calling out. The only ones allowed in my room were Benji an Mizo. I peeked from under my arm to find Benji walking in. He held a tray with a bowl of steaming rice and beef. I rolled over not caring for his kind gesture. He sighed and set the tray in the night stand.

"Eat, if you're going to go after him you might as well get your energy back." Benji said and left.

Who said I was going to get him back? I thought and felt the pain intensify as I felt something cold run across my stomach. I pulled my shirt up, there was nothing. I must have thought of something.I shook my head and just laid there waiting for sleep or death to take me away.

Get up and go get that boy.
What? Who are you?
What does it matter? Go get the blonde I'm tired of you feeling stupid and not doing anything productive for the both of us.
What are you talking about?
Never mind, just go get the boy your thoughts don't waver from.
Why should I? It's been too long and I bet he hates me.
You may never know. Go. Now.

I suddenly sat up and grabbed the bowl of food. I swallowed it down quickly and went to my closet to grab some shoes. I didn't know what I was doing since I don't have control over my own body.I rushed out the bedroom door towards the busiest part of my ship. The crew members stared at me as they saw me running towards the alien steering the ship. Benji saw me and nodded to himself, Mizo was eating food next to him with her full lifeless eyes on me. I stopped just as I got to the stairs, I called out directions and the man obeyed and steered the ship. Something inside me felt relieved , I shook my head and held a hand against my chest. I could feel my heart beating quickly. An image of a dim lit room with steel walls and a metal surgery like table standing in the middle flashed before my eyes. I blinked as I saw more images. I held my head and sat in the stairs. Benji came over to me and placed a hand on my right shoulder. His grip was tight and unharmful.

"I see it too." Benji said and kneeled in front of me like he was my father.

Benji was a regular alien from some uninhabitable planet with the power to read minds. I only allowed him on my ship since he had read my thoughts the first day we met. Mizo came over an patted her stomach, Benji stood and smiled sweetly at her. She didn't smile back just nodded and stared down at me as more images came flashing. I felt dizzy so I rest my head between my knees. I heard the call for land being shouted and I quickly looked up. I never changed courses since that day. I would always come across the planet without docking at it. We docked and quickly gathered weapons for taking back the blonde.....Naruto. I was ready.

We headed for Itachi's lair, Mizo was forced to stay back. Benji took her place with his guns and sword.( have any of you played ff13 well Benji has a weapon like Lightnings) We were silent since it was dark out. The crew members that were just as skilled as I was were with me while the others were with Benji bringing up the rear. We passed many house like structures, some crew members raided them for Naruto. Soon we had a small crowd of fish like aliens running after us. Benji and his group took care of that. My Revilo instincts took over and I followed Naruto's scent as I slowly transformed. I noticed the sun was rising slowly, I started to run ahead leaving everyone behind. Benji could handle whatever came his way. I rushed as quick as I could until I saw the silver building coming into view. I transformed back to my human appearance. The doors to the building opened as soon as I was close to it. I walked in with caution.

The building was cold just like the house my brother and I used to live in before deciding to be space pirates. The walls to this place were bare and lifeless. As I walked through the corridor I got the feeling that I was still to far from Naruto. I heard chuckling coming from behind me and turned quickly. Standing there with the same smirk as always was my brother. I pulled my sword out and held it toward him. He chuckle again and waved his hand in the air.

"I'm not going to fight you foolish little brother. If you're here for more treasure its down the hall to the left the only door is where I keep everything. Go on." He said.

I narrowed my eyes at him as I stepped back slowly. His eyes bore holes through me.

Hurry up that boy is waking.

I turned and ran down the corridor heading, hopefully, closer to Naruto. I heard my brother's faint chuckle as I ran. I turned right then left feeling something tugging at my chest. The voice that had spoken to me gave me directions as though it were my only compass. Soon I found myself in a room with mirrors. The voice spoke to me, this room is a trap. I stepped through holding my sword tight and out. One if the mirrors started to shake then it flew at me.I slashed through it as another one came at me. I slashed and kicked at some as i made my way through the room. I made it to the next corridor when Benji finally caught up to me. There was less crew members, I thanked their souls as we marched forward.

I thought back to  the days I had spent away regretting not getting Naruto. I cursed myself for being so selfish and stupid. I smelled blood and stopped my steps. Benji continued on until he smelled it too,he looked back at me. I dropped my sword and transformed into my Revilo form. Benji transformed into his true self and followed close behind just like the others. I burst into a room that looked exactly like the images that had flashed in my head. The room wasn't as clean as it was. There was blood on the table and tools laid around the ground with dried blood on them. I took a deep breath and let my instincts take over. An aura appeared before me in the color of an orange cloud. I followed it around the room and stopped just before a steel wall. The aura was coming out of it as though it was a door instead if a wall. A crew member walked up to it and tapped his beak against it. The wall pushed in and slid to the side. There was blood drops on the floor.

Naruto I'm coming!

Seeking The Wrong Treasure 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora