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Sasuke's POV

Itachi was gone, Naruto was gone, and now I was alone with the baby. I shouldn't have come after him by myself. I looked down to my lap as I saw the baby's face. Tears were making the form below me so the face was a bit distorted. I wiped at my eyes and looked at the boy. I felt all this anger rushing into my head so I set the baby down before I could harm it in anyway. I stood and stepped away. The baby must have felt me moving and started to cry. I screamed out at it. The baby continued to cry as I fell to the floor on my knees. I didn't want him I didn't want to be alone with the baby. I knelt there crying silently and praying that Naruto would come back to me. I continued to cry and the baby finally shut up. I wiped my eyes, looked up to the ceiling and prayed once more for Naruto to come back. Nothing, Naruto didn't come walking in here. I started to stand up slowly making sure I had enough strength to even stand.

Grab Okami and let's go.

My Revlio self told me, I obeyed and walked over to the silent child.His face was no longer distorted by my tears so I noticed that he had the same little whisker like marks Naruto had and big blue eyes. They shined with happiness as he saw me.I wiped my hands on my pants, as though I didn't want to dirty him, then scooped him into my arms. He was small and warm. Something in my chest started to ache, as I made eye contact with the baby. I knew he couldn't see me yet but it felt like we understood each other's pain. I felt my chest tightening, so I held the baby closer as I stood and headed for the door way that I had came through. It was starting to get brighter, making the hallways that much better to walk through without getting lost.

You called him Okami, why?

Naruto said a name that wasn't our's, you didn't hear him?


This could be a problem...but don't worry you should hear him soon.

I ignored that entire last sentece as I headed back to the boat that I had taken. I climbed the tree trunk as I held Okami in one arm.I climbed into the boat as slow as I could without hitting anything. Okami moved around in the blanket Itachi had him in, I panicked and stayed very still. Once inside the boat I turned on the motor and headed toward the sun. I looked over the side to see if I could spot Itachi and Naruto but I couldn't see anything just the fish like people that lived on this planet. Okami was moving and making noises. I glanced down at him and got smacked with the smell of poop. I sighed and looked around for something clean to wrapp him in. I only found my favorite shirt that was drapping over a box. I wondered how it got there but I ignored it.I grabbed it and laid it flat out on the floor of the boat.I unwrapped Okami and wiped at the poop that had smeared on him with the clean areas of his blanket. Whatever Itachi was feeding him wasn't good. There was a bit of blood in the shit. I prayed that Mizoruya would know what to give him. I wrapped my shirt around him like a diaper then looked around for something else to cover him in since the morning wind was cold.

After getting Okami dressed in warm cloth that I found deep in the life jacket box we were heading back to the ship.The sun was starting to heat up as planets turned toward it, the moon was being ignored as a new day started on different planets. The wind picked up making Okami shiver a bit. I held him closer to me and prayed he wouldn't get sick. As we sailed through the air heading back home Okami started to cry. I didn't bring anything to eat or feed a baby so I had to endure his screams and cries.

Give him a fruit

I shook my head knowing something that hard would hurt him. My Revilo self continued to tell me what to do, but I ignored him. I could see my ship coming closer, so I signaled for the dock to open. I saw the bottom half of the ship start to open, and I ducked into the boat as razor sharp gears were hooked on the boat. I was pulled in and set on the closed flooring of the ship. Benji and Mizo stood on the other side of the room glancing around. I sat up with Okami in my arms.

"Where's Naruto?" Mizo asked.

"He traded himself...for Okami," I said and looked away.

Mizo gasped and pulled my arms away from my chest. Benji's eyes widened while Mizo took Okami from me.

"Sasuke is...this is the baby? He's so cute!" Mizo said and made baby noises to him.

I shook my head and took him back. "I need something to feed him, but Naruto isn't here to mother him," I said and blushed.

Mizo laugh and held her hands out, I growled and looked at her as though she should die before touching Okami. Benji cleared his throat and cracked his knuckles. Mizo giggled and dropped her hands.

"I'm not going to hurt him, just going to stuff him with milk." She smiled and clasped her hands together.

I didn't hand Okami over so she decided to lead me to the source of nutrients for Okami. Benji was following Mizo closely as I took up the end. The workers, whom supplied the coal for the ship to move, stared as we made our way up. I glared making them turn to their jobs. Mizo took us to the kitchen and pulled out a jar full of white powder that had been hidden behind others. She turned to me with a smile and held it out to me. I took it slowly and stared at it. Benji laughed at me and helped Mizo gather the other things needed. I sat at a table and watched as a bottle was brought out, along with warm water from the stove. Mizo took the white powder from me and mixed everything together in the bottle before handing it to me. I stared at it.

"It's baby just take it."She said and shook it in my face.

I took the bottle and held it toward Okami's mouth. His lips automatically attached and he started sucking the liquid down.

"How do we have baby milk on this ship when I don't order for it?" I asked eyeing Mizo.

She cleared her throat and looked to Benji.

"We got everything we needed for a baby after Mizo told me she was pregnant...turns out we lost the we just held onto things in case," Benji said blushing and looking to the floor sadly.

"I'm sorry."I said and watched as the milk disappeared.

They shrugged and smiled down at Okami.

"Least the things we have will be used on someone," Mizo whispered and left.

Seeking The Wrong Treasure 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora