John we need your Help AGAIN

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well i would like to say that John kept his promise to Beth and that he kept in contact with her and he did until Beth turned around 9 years old and all contact just stopped he did not call her nor did anyone answer the phone when Beth would call non stop desperate to speak to her daddy and the visits to America were stopped and i have had to deal with a distraught little girl who grew up disappointed with her father and i guess all that disappointment has helped turn Beth into a troubled 15 year old.

Beth is what people would say is a trouble maker she starts fights with people and she smokes and she swears,she drinks and i honestly do not know where my child has went she has just turned into this girl i don't know anymore and with each day that passes a little bit of my sweet little girl disappears. She is full of hatred and attitude and i am struggling to handle her her temper terrifies me and she knows it does'

Tonight is just a regular night of me waiting up for her to return home she is meant to be home for 9pm but it is now 2am and she still has not returned . 

Cynthia heard the door slam shut and got of the sofa and went to the front door to see a very drunk Beth standing in the hall holding her cheek 

" what happened to you Beth"

" Jake hit me again" she said 

i would like to say that i was shocked when she told me this but i wasn't Jake often hit Beth and i have told her to leave him but she wont it seems like she does not care that he is abusing her

" you have to get rid of that boy i have told you he should not be hitting you"

" oh fuck off mother stop interfering in my life its none of your fucking business you know" she shouted at me

" of course it's my business you are my daughter "

" fuck don't remind me"

" you need to stop being so disrespectful to me"

" oh i do really ill be disrespectful to you if i want and you wont do a damn thing about it'

" im done with this im sick of your attitude towards me. im going to ring your father it's about time he had a a taste of what i have to deal with it"

"oh go ahead ring him your wasting your time the fucker never answers. do you still not get it he does not care about us that prat is not going to give a shit about what im doing"

"do not speak about your father like that"

" aw are you still pining after him wow he left you for another woman and your still chasing him fuck get some dignity woman"

i have honestly reached the limit of what i can take and i slapped Beth across the face which just made her laugh and she stepped towards me and she slapped me back

" you hit me mother and ill hit back harder now if you don't mind its past my bedtime so i shall be going to bed. oh good luck on getting a hold of John' she said laughing making her way up the stairs.

i sat down and started to cry all this was to much i honestly did not know how to handle her and she terrified me. i dialed John's number not expecting to get a reply

" hello" a mans voice answered

" hello is this John?"

" yeah who's this"

" its Cynthia"

" oh em hi what are you wanting?"

" i need help John" i answered sobbing

" what's wrong?" he asked sounding slightly concerned but more annoyed to be honest

" it's Beth i just can't handle her anymore John"

" what do you mean what's been going on"

" well she is 16 and she is horrible i know that sounds like a horrible thing to say but she smokes she drinks she swears she starts fights with strangers just for the fun of it. she has a boyfriend who hits her all the time and she refuses to leave him and the abuse she gives me is unreal she returned home tonight at 2am and we had words and she ended up hitting me and laughing about it. i just don't know what to do i need help John"

" wait are you sure you are talking about Beth it does not sound like her?"

" John im not going to argue with you but you haven't made any contact with her in 7 years and she is so bitter about it and harbours alot of hate. she spent every night for 2 months ringing you non stop trying to talk to you and she got upset every time she got no reply so she just gave up but she became angry and its just been building up since and now she is horrid"

" so your trying to tell me her attitude is all my fault' John answered getting defensive

" no its both our faults John i was an alcoholic she grew up for a while seeing me drunk then she got moved to America then had to leave you then could not get threw to you. its both our faults the way she is. John im not wanting to sound like im blaming you yeah you made alot of mistakes but i made more. John i just need your help now and i think Beth needs you she has alot of anger for you she needs to get over and maybe seeing you will be a chance for her to release it"

Cynthia heard John sigh

" Cyn i gave Beth to you because i thought that her being around me will fuck her up and it turned out that me leaving her fucked her up. I stayed away from her because i honestly believed that she would be better off without me and that in time she would forget about me "

" oh gosh John she loved you. You leaving her did the opposite just made her feel unloved "

" what do you need me to do"

" John we need you here you need to see your daughter again "

" im coming Cyn."

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