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Yoko was up early and dressed eager to leave while John finished his cereal

" i cant believe we are able to have Kyoko for a few days John this is special you know. i haven't seen her in so long"

" i cant believe it either after all the fighting we have done we have won I'm excited to meet her"

" Meet who?" Beth asks with a huge smile

" well kitten another little girl will be coming to stay with us for a while her name is Kyoko and she is Yoko's daughter isn't it exciting Beth?"

" yes" she answered not feeling at all excited

" me and Yoko will be going soon to collect her you will be staying with May OK kitten" 

" OK"

John kissed the top of her head 

" Goodbye we wont be long


Beth was playing dollies with May when john walked in holding Kyoko in his arms with Yoko following behind them with a huge smile on her face. Beth felt extremely jealous seeing her daddy holding another little girl

John sets Kyoko down 

" Beth come and meet your new sister Kyoko"

Beth ran straight past Kyoko and hid behind her daddy

" Beth say hello to Kyoko please" he asked turning to face her

" no i don't want to" 

" then go straight to your room and stay there until you you feel ready to meet your new sister now go"

Beth ran into her bedroom and there is where she stayed for a hour while she heard alot of laughter. Beth creeped out of her bedroom and into the living room where she saw her daddy playing with Kyoko. Beth grew upset as her daddy hadn't played with her in ages but he is playing and having fun with Kyoko 

" what are you doing hiding here Beth" May asked making everyone turn around and look at her

" come on over here kitten and play with us" John said trying to get Beth to meet Kyoko

Beth turned and ran back into her room and May ran after her and saw Beth crying

" whats wrong Beth why are you crying?"

" because i dont like that girl"

" Kyoko why don't you like her i believe you haven't met her yet"

" because she is taking my daddy away. My daddy hasn't played with me in weeks and she has been here for a little time and he is playing with her"

" well  come into the living room and we will play together"

" ok"

May grabbed Beth's hand and brought her into the living room. John saw that May managed to get Beth out of her bedroom and he winked at her

" Ello kitten so you decided to play with us then" he smiled at her

Beth ignored him

" May can we play dollies again"

" i like dollies" Kyoko said 

" May you can have Amy doll as she needs her dinner and ill have Sarah doll"

Beth started to play with her doll when Kyoko walked over and snatched the doll away from her

" i play too" Kyoko said

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